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83Instruments and controls
This light comes on when the battery is not
being charged by the alternator. If the light
comes on during driving, stop as soon as
possible and switch off the engine.
The following message is shown on the
Saab Information Display (SID):
Check the drive belt, see page 219.
The light illuminates if the tire pressure in
one or more tires is too low, see page 257.
Below is an example of the message simul-
taneously shown on the SID:
This light will come on if the engine oil pres-
sure is too low. If the warning light flashes or
comes on while you are driving, stop imme-
diately in a safe place, switch off the engine
and check the oil level (see page 210).
The following message is shown on the
Saab Information Display (SID):
This light indicates a malfunction in the fuel
or ignition system.
Did you recently put fuel into your vehicle?
If so, reinstall the fuel cap, making sure to
fully install the cap. See Fuel cap on
page 160. The diagnostic system can deter-
mine if the fuel cap has been left off or
improperly installed. A loose or missing fuel
cap will allow fuel to evaporate into the
Charge warning light
Battery not charging.
Make a safe stop.
Warning, tire pressure
Tire pressure low,
rear left. Check tires.
Warning, oil pressure
(engine oil)
Never drive the car when the oil pressure
warning lamp is on. Low oil pressure can
cause serious engine damage.
Oil pressure low.
Make a safe stop.
Engine malfunction
An illuminated Engine malfunction
(CHECK ENGINE) indicator light indi-
cates an engine-related problem. While
your car may be able to be driven with the
Engine malfunction (CHECK ENGINE)
indicator light illuminated (limp-home
mode), you are advised to have your car
serviced at an authorized Saab dealer as
soon as possible.
Continued driving without this problem
being corrected might cause serious fur-
ther damage to your car and create
unsafe driving conditions. The operator
should be prepared to take action if such
unsafe conditions arise (e.g. brake
smoothly, engage neutral, stop in a suita-
ble place, switch off the engine, etc.)
93_US_M08.book Page 83 Friday, May 11, 2007 11:37 AM

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