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40 Safety
Head protection
The pillar trim and headlining (not Converti-
ble soft top) are designed to absorb energy,
softening possible blows to the head. After
a crash, these items must be changed in the
seat positions that were occupied. Never fit
accessories to the pillar trim or headlining
as these could reduce the effectiveness of
the head protection and inflatable curtain
(SportSedan and SportCombi).
Side-impact protection
The side airbags, which help protect the
upper body (head also in Convertible), are
integrated in the outside edges of the front
seat backrests. The side impact protection
of the SportSedan and SportCombi also
includes inflatable curtains (see page 42).
The side impact protection will be activated
if certain predetermined conditions are met
such as the force and angle of the impact,
the speed of the car on impact, and at which
point on the car´s side the impact occurs.
This car is equipped with side airbags
and no extra seat cover should be fit-
ted. Failure to observe this warning
could result in the side airbags not
inflating as intended and thus not pro-
viding the intended protection either.
Never place any object in the area that
would be occupied by the inflated air-
For optimum protection, sit upright in
the seat, with your safety belt correctly
The side-impact protection will only be
activated in the event of a side-on
crash and not in the event of a rear-
end crash or the car rolling over. For
the Convertibles Roll-over protection
see page 76.
Damage or wear to the seat cover, or
the seat seam, in the area of the side
airbag must be repaired immediately.
We recommend that you contact a
Saab dealer.
93_US_M08.book Page 40 Friday, May 11, 2007 11:37 AM

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