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209Car care
Air filter
Transmission fluid
Manual transmission
Check and top up the oil in accordance with
the service program.
Automatic transmission
Check and top up the oil in accordance with
the service program.
There is an overpressure in the cooling sys-
tem. Coolant temperatures can sometimes
exceed 212° F (100° C).
If the coolant level drops too low, the follow-
ing message appears on the SID:
The properties of the coolant are retained
for the entire service life of the car. There-
fore, it is not necessary to change the cool-
The coolant contains 45 % antifreeze and
anti-corrosion fluid. This ratio gives the best
cooling effect. Lower concentrations should
be avoided, in view of the corrosion risk.
Coolants of a different brand could damage
the engine or cooling system. We therefore
recommend strict use of coolants that have
been approved by Saab.
If incorrect coolant is used or added, the life-
time properties will be affected. Even if the
coolant is flushed from the system and
replaced with life-time coolant, life-time
properties are no longer retained and the
coolant must then be drained and replaced
at regular intervals.
To ensure reliable operation, only use
an air filter recommended by Saab
Automobile AB.
Proceed with caution if the radiator is
boiling when you open the hood.
Never remove the expansion-tank
filler cap when the radiator is boiling.
The cooling system is pressurized –
hot coolant and vapor can escape
when the filler cap is released. These
can cause injury to your eyes and
burns. Loosen the cap carefully, and
let the engine cool before removing
the cap.
Exercise care when adding coolant.
Coolant on hot surfaces constitutes a
fire risk.
Coolant level low.
If the cooling system needs topping up,
mix the antifreeze with the appropriate
quantity of drinking water or distilled
water before adding it to the system.
If undiluted antifreeze is added, the
engine could still freeze and be damaged.
This is because the antifreeze will not mix
properly with the coolant before the ther-
mostat has opened to allow full circula-
93_U S_M 07.book Page 209 W ednesday, April 12, 2006 9:30 AM

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