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195Starting and driving
Driving at night
Bear in mind the following points, especially
when driving at night:
Nighttime driving requires your full
Do not rush. Count on your journey taking
slightly longer.
The number of drivers under the influence
of drugs is likely to be greater at night than
during the day.
Do not stare at the headlights of oncom-
ing vehicles.
Avoid driving at night if you have poor
eyesight. Night vision deteriorates with
Keep your car’s headlights, windows and
mirrors clean. Also, if you wear glasses,
make sure they are clean.
Make sure you are well rested before
starting a long journey. Take a break
every other hour.
Only eat light meals. Heavy meals have a
tendency to induce tiredness.
Wild animals prefer to move at dusk and
Check the headlight levelling setting (see
page 97).
Towing the car
Front towing eye
Remember that the brake servo does
not operate when the engine is off.
Much greater pressure than normal
will therefore be required to operate
the brake pedal.
Nor does the steering servo operate
when the engine is off. The steering
will therefore be much heavier than
The towing vehicle should always be
heavier than the vehicle on tow.
Never allow passengers to ride in the
car when it is on tow.
Always seek professional help if the
car needs to be recovered.
The ignition switch must be in the ON
position if the car is moved with the
engine not running.
The steering wheel lock must be
disengaged before towing the car.
The steering wheel lock disengages
when the remote control is inserted
into the ignition switch, if the battery
has sufficient charge.
Make sure that the towing eye is
screwed in tightly. It has a left-hand
The towing eye is only designed for
towing the car on roads. It must not
be used to pull the car out of a ditch,
for example.
Make sure that all bystanders keep a
suitable distance, in case the towing
eye or tow rope should snap. The
towing eye or tow rope could catapult
off and cause seriously injury.
Never drive with the towing eye fitted
to the front bumper. Return it to its
designated storage space.
93_U S_M 07.book Page 195 W ednesday, April 12, 2006 9:30 AM

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