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62 9-3 Convertible
Advice on soft top
Once you have raised the soft top and
before driving off, always check that the
soft top is properly engaged with the wind-
shield rail, see page 66.
Once you have folded the soft top and
before driving off, check that the soft top
cover is locked, see page 64.
Do not operate the soft top in tempera-
tures below 23°F (–5°C).
Note that certain automatic car washes
can damage the soft top. This applies to
car washes that use mechanical feelers
bearing against the body. Saab advises
against washing the Convertible in an
automatic car wash.
After rain or washing the car, allow the
soft top to dry completely before folding it.
Folding a wet or damp soft top can cause
water damage in the car and mildew to
form on the soft top.
Roof racks and ski holders must not be
mounted on the soft top.
On no account should anything be put into
the stowage space of the soft top (under
the soft top cover) since this could cause
an obstruction when the soft top is being
folded away.
Do not place any objects on the covers
over the roll bars as this can hamper their
When operating the soft top, raise or fold
it fully until notified that operation is
complete by the SID. Do not leave the soft
top partially open/closed. If the soft top is
left in an intermediate position it will
collapse progressively after 20 seconds
to prevent overloading the drive system.
Washing the soft top, see page 261.
Never touch the hinges and struts of
the soft top nor the upper rail of the
windshield while operating the soft
Do not operate the soft top while there
are bystanders close to the car.
93_U S_M 07.book Page 62 W ednesday, April 12, 2006 9:30 AM

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