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General information on child
The same attention must be given to child
safety in the car as is given to adults.
Children travel most safely when properly
restrained. However, the type of restraint
must be appropriate for the size of the child.
We recommend that you always consult
your Saab dealer before fitting a child seat,
child restraint or booster cushion.
Make sure you are acquainted with the
legal requirements for seating children
in the car.
When fitting child restraints in cars you
must always read the instructions sup-
plied by the child restraint manufacturer.
Make sure that it is possible to fit a child
restraint in accordance with the manufac-
turer’s child restraint instructions.
Saab recommends the use of a rear-
facing child seat for as long as this is
possible - for all children under 18 kg
(40 lbs.) as a minimum. Use a child seat
approved for the weight of the child.
Saab recommends the use of a booster seat
for children up to the length of 150 cm
(4 ft 11 in.) or the weight of 36 kg (80 lbs.).
LATCH (Lower Anchorages & Top tethers
for CHildren) is a US/Canadian safety stan-
dard for a uniform method of fitting child
restraints without using the standard safety
belts. Only certain child restraints are
equipped to utilize the LATCH system.
The LATCH system is installed in the car to
facilitate proper fitting of child restraints
designed for and equipped with LATCH
The LATCH system consists of top tether
and lower anchorages . In this vehicle,
LATCH is installed at the two outboard seat-
ing positions in the rear seat, and there is a
top tether on the rear center position (not
The top tethers are located on top of the
parcel shelf (Sport Sedan), see page 28, on
the back of the rear seat (SportCombi), see
page 29 and behind the head restraints
(Convertible) see page 30.
The lower anchorages are located where
the seat cushion and seat back come
together. There is a label above the anchor-
ages, see picture on next page. Label
consists of a symbol of a child restrained in
a seat inside a circle.
When fitting child restraints in cars you must
always read the instructions supplied by the
child restraint manufacturer.
If you have any questions regarding LATCH
please contact your Saab dealer.
93_U S_M 07.book Page 25 W ednesday, April 12, 2006 9:30 AM

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