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230 Maintenance and owner assistance
Maintenance schedule
The Maintenance Schedule prescribes a
service program to the purchaser/operator
of a Saab that is reasonable and necessary
to ensure the proper emission control sys-
tems function, safety and reliability of the
Saab automobile in normal use. Additional
maintenance is recommended for specific
components when the car is operated under
certain severe conditions. Proper mainte-
nance is always a good practice!
Authorized Saab dealers are equipped and
trained to meet your Saab’s service needs.
They regularly receive up-to-date Saab ser-
vice manuals and parts and technical ser-
vice bulletins from Saab and are able,
through their franchise agreement, to attend
Saab service schools, obtain Saab special
tools and technical assistance and pur-
chase original equipment service and
replacement parts.
Today’s complex automobiles should only
be entrusted to the most knowledgeable
service professionals. A Saab dealer is your
best choice.
Service intervals
The maintenance schedule is comprised of
a Check -up 30 days after retail delivery, fol-
lowed by services at every 10,000 miles
(16,000 km) thereafter (10,000, 20,000,
30,000 miles/16,000 32,000, 48,000 km
Engine oil and filter changes
Changing the engine oil and filter is required
at every service point. Use only a Saab
approved long-life oil filter and engine oils
meeting the SAE viscosity ratings and API
service classifications stated in the “Techni-
cal data” section of this Owner’s Manual.
The use of extra additives in the oil is not
necessary and is not recommended, and
may be harmful to turbochargers.
More frequent oil changes are recom-
mended if your vehicle is operated under
any of the following conditions:
Most trips are less than 5-10 miles (8-16
km). This is particularly important when
outside temperatures are below freezing.
Most trips include extensive idling (fre-
quent stop-and-go traffic).
Most trips are through dusty areas (such
as construction zones).
If the vehicle is used for delivery service,
police, taxi or other commercial applica-
If your driving habits match this description,
have the engine oil and filter changed in-
between normal services at 5,000 mile
(8,000 km) intervals. These conditions
cause the engine oil to break down faster.
The Warranties and Service Record Book-
let has provisions to record extra oil
The Check-up will be done by your Saab
dealer at no charge and should be done
as close as possible to the scheduled 30

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