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192 Car care
(80°C). This can be achieved by driving
the car for about 30 min on the open
2 With the engine idling, move the selector
lever to D and wait for at least
15 seconds. Next, move the selector
lever to R and wait for 15 seconds again.
Finally, move the selector lever to P. Let
the engine idle.
3 Wipe the dipstick clean with a lint-free
cloth and put it back.
4 With the fluid at normal temperature, the
level should be between the MAX and
MIN marks on the dipstick. Top up, as
necessary, with Texaco Texamatic Dex-
tron III automatic-transmission fluid,
adding it through the dipstick pipe. The
distance between the MIN and MAX
marks on the dipstick corresponds to a
volume of approximately 0.4 qts
(0.4 litre).
If the outside temperature is below 50°F
(10°C), the fluid will not reach the specified
temperature of 175°F (80°C). In this case,
the correct fluid level may be 0.8 in (20 mm)
below the MAX mark.
The expansion tank is transparent, to facili-
tate checking. The level must be a little
under the mark ”KALT – COLD” on the tank
when the engine is cold. If the SID message
"FILL COOLANT FLUID" is displayed, the
level in the expansion tank should be
checked. Top up as necessary with equal
parts of clean water and coolant. Use only
coolant approved by Saab.
If the expansion tank is empty when coolant
is added, run the engine to normal temper-
ature and top up again, as necessary.
The cooling system is filled at the factory
with coolant containing a 50% concentra-
tion of a combined antifreeze and corrosion
inhibitor. A weaker mixture will result in
reduced anticorrosion protection. For pro-
tection against freezing in very cold
weather, a stronger concentration will be
A 60% concentration of antifreeze will pro-
vide protection at temperatures down to
-58 F (-50°C).
If there is a burnt smell or the fluid is black,
change the fluid as soon as possible.
Proceed with caution if the radiator is
boiling when you open the hood.
Never remove the expansion-tank
filler cap when the radiator is boiling.
Loosen the cap carefully, and let the
engine cool before removing the cap.
The cooling system is pressurized –
hot coolant and vapor can escape
when the filler cap is released.
Exercise care when adding coolant.
Coolant on hot surfaces constitutes a
fire risk.
Coolant expansion tank

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