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159Starting and driving
Automatic transmission
fault indicator
If the symbol appears on the main instru-
ment panel, the system has detected a fault
in the automatic transmission or its control
module (see page 64).
This also means that the Limp-home mode
has been selected, to guard against further
damage being done to the transmission. In
this mode, the automatic transmission
starts in 4th gear, and gear changes (if nec-
essary) will have to be made manually.
It is not possible to select the SPORT or
WINTER mode when the Limp-home mode
is active.
You should have the automatic transmis-
sion checked as soon as possible by an
authorized Saab dealer.
The following gears will be engaged in the
respective selector positions when the auto-
matic transmission is in the Limp-home
Overheated transmission oil
If the transmission oil becomes overheated
while driving, the following message
appears on the SID: TRANSMISSION
OVERHEATING. In this event, stop the car
in a suitable place, switch off the engine,
open the hood and wait until the message
goes out. When driving subsequent to the
transmission oil overheating, select either
3rd gear or Drive, whichever will allow the
engine to run at 3,000 rpm and maintain the
speed of traffic or a safe speed.
The transmission oil can become very hot
when the car is driven with a heavy load; for
example, driving with a trailer on hilly roads
when the wrong gear has been selected,
resulting in many extra gear changes.
Select one of the positions 1, 2 or 3. A high
outside temperature or a defective oil cooler
can also cause the oil temperature to
increase. Contact an authorized Saab
dealer, see also page 173.
Driving in hilly country with a heavy
Overheating of the automatic-transmission
fluid can occur when the car is towing a
heavy load, such as a trailer in hilly country,
with the wrong gear selected, resulting in
abnormally frequent gear changing. To
avoid the transmission oil from overheating
always drive in Normal mode, then the
adaptive gear change pattern is active.
High ambient temperatures can also
increase the temperature of the transmis-
sion fluid or the oil cooler may be faulty. As
the transmission fluid temperature
increases, its useful service life is reduced.
Contact an authorized Saab dealer (see
also page 173).
Towing a car with automatic transmission,
see page 181.
Position R D 3 2 1
Gear Reverse 4th 4th 3rd 3rd
If the control module has actuated the
Limp-home function for the automatic
transmission, the car will remain in 4th
gear when D and 3 are selected, making
it very sluggish. To overcome this, move
the selector lever to position 1. The trans-
mission then starts in 3rd gear. When the
car is moving you can select position D
or 3.
Remember to use engine-braking (selec-
tor position 1, 2, or 3) to spare the brakes
when you are driving on a long or steep
downhill slope.
Brake failure can result from overheated

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