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82 Instruments and controls
The air conditioning is combined with the
conventional climate-control system and is
switched on by pressing the button,
provided that the fan control is in
position 1-4.
The incoming air is treated in three stages:
first it passes through a filter; it is then dehu-
midified and cooled and, finally, if required,
The air conditioning can be used at outdoor
temperatures down to 32°F (0°C).
Condensation water
When the A/C compressor is on, the incom-
ing air is dehumidified. The resulting con-
densation water is drained away through an
outlet under the car.
It is therefore perfectly normal for water to
be seen dripping from this outlet when the
car is parked. The warmer the ambient air
and the higher the humidity, the more con-
densation will form.
When the button is depressed the
regular air intake will be closed. In this posi-
tion, the air inside the cabin is recirculated.
Use recirculation when you want rapid cool-
ing, at extremely high air temperatures.
Switch the air conditioning (A/C) on first.
Recirculation can be useful to activate man-
ually to prevent unpleasant smells being
drawn into the car from outside.
Note that recirculation should not be
used when the outside temperature is
lower than 50°F (+10°C) except briefly,
e.g. to avoid unpleasant air from enter-
ing the car. Prolonged use of recircula-
tion could cause the windows to mist or
ice up.
Air conditioning (A/C) Recirculation
Air vent at rear side window

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