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Packing list
Front Panel
Rear Panel
1. Power - switch on or switch off receiver & remote control
2. Operation light - indicates RCU's operation status such as connection, battery.
3. Mute - switch on or switch off receiver's sound
4. Game - activate or deactivate G-sensor function
5. Game light - indicates G-sensor is activated or not.
6. BACK - back to the previous menu
7. menu - The entry of application's functions
8. Navigation wheel -Direction keys and scroll wheel for navigation
9. OK - Confirm the selection
10. screen left/screen right - move to the left screen or right screen
11. Home - Back to the portal of receiver
12. Color Keys - entries of most useful functions
13. V+/V- - Adjust receiver's volume
14. Cursor - active air mouse when touched.
15. EPG - Display Electronic program Guide information.
16. INFO - Display detailed information of channel, program or application.
17.FIND - search channel, program or application.
18. Numeric keys - Enters specific channel number or values when needed
19. Record - record program to local storage such as USB stick.
20. F1 -reserved
21. Headset jack
22. Mini USB jack
23. wrist band jack
24. Mic input
25. Mic switch
What is the function of the power key on remote control?
Press and hold power key for 3 seconds on the remote control to switch on or switch off SAB Android I HD
remote control.
When remote control is in operation, short press the power key on the remote control to switch on or
switch off SAB Android I HD receiver.
When remote control has been turned off, short press the power key on the remote control to check how
much charge remains in the remote control. Operation light flashes red each time indicates the remote
control has charge more than 20%.
How to check working status of SAB Android I HD remote control?
Each of the SAB Android I HD remote control working status can be indicated through control lights .There
are 2 control lights on SAB Android I HD remote control, one is operation light near power key, and another
one is game light near game key .
-What does the operation light color mean?
1. a solid blue indicates the remote control has enough charge and has been paired.
SAB Android I HD
2. a blinking blue indicates the remote control activate voice input.
3. a blinking pink indicates the remote control not paired with any SAB Android I HD box.
4. a blinking red indicates the remote control has low charge less than 20%; in this case the charge
warning also appears on SAB Android I HD TV.
5. a faint blinking red indicates the remote control is currently charging.
6. a solid red indicates the remote control is fully charged.
-What does the game light color mean?
Lights up blue when short press the game key.
A faint blinking blue indicates the remote control does not pair with your game.
A solid blue indicates the remote control has paired to the game successfully.
How to activate air mouse?
Touch cursor key to activate air mouse .The cursor key has the same function as the left button of the
standard mouse.
Please notice that: Air mouse is unavailable in TV screen
How to activate G-sensor function?
Short press game key to activate G-sensor function, remote control will automatic detect and make
available your game. Once paired to your game, remote controls will respond with a vibrating alert and
the Game light changes to solid blue.
How to activate voice input?
Press and hold the mic switch key to activate voice input, voice search menu appears on SAB Android I HD
screen. Release mic switch key to turn off voice input.
How to scrolling quickly through long lists?
You can navigate quickly through a long list of files, applications, web browser or other items by moving
your thumb quickly on the scroll Wheel.
Scroll right has the same function as scroll down with standard mouse's scroll wheel.
Scroll left has the same function as scroll up with standard mouse's scroll wheel.
There is a clicking sound when you scroll through menu items by using scroll Wheel.
How to pair a Remote control with your SAB Android I HD box?
Notice: the included remote control is already paired with your SAB Android I HD when you bought it.
1. Press and hold power key for 3 seconds on the front panel of SAB Android I HD box to call up SAB Android
I HD starts pairing process, the pairing message appears on the screen: 'your SAB Android I HD is trying to
pair with a remote control, please keep pressing Game button for 5 seconds within 60seconds'. If you
don't long press the Game key in 60 seconds, SAB Android I HD will exit pairing process automatically.
2. long press the Game key on the remote control to start to pair the remote control with your SAB Android
I HD box.
3. Once paired, remote control will response with a vibrating alert and the operating status light changes
to solid blue , at the same time SAB Android I HD TV displays success message " the remote control with
ID: XXXXXXX has been paired successfully with SAB Android I HD box" .
How to charge the SAB Android I HD remote control battery?
You can charge SAB Android I HD remote control battery in two ways:
Connect SAB Android I HD remote control to a USB port on your computer. The computer must be turned
on and not in sleep mode.
Connect SAB Android I HD remote control to USB port of SAB Android I HD box, the SAB Android I HD box
must be turned on.
Power-saving feature
The power-saving feature automatically switches SAB Android I HD remote control to off if no control is
operated in 3 hours. In this case, long press the power key on the remote control to turn on remote control.
Operating status display
POWER Button
Switches between operation
Operating status display
-Lights up green when SAB Android I HD is operational.
-Lights up red when the SAB Android I HD is stand-by mode.
Connect Singal cable
CA Slot Micro USB Port Power USB Port
SD Card Slot
Optical interface
USB Port
1.Connecting Satellite Cables
Connect satellite cable from your satellite dish to the LNB INPUT socket on the rear panel of SAB
Android I HD box.
2.Connecting the TV
Connecting TV via HDMI cable.
3.Power ON/OFF
There are several ways to turn your SAB Android I HD ON or OFF.
Complete Power Shutdown
Remove the power supply, it takes a longer time to boot the system if you turned it off by this way.
Standby Mode
Short press the power key to turn the power SAB Android I HD on or off.
SAB Android I HD includes a standby mode for lower power consumption (power saving mode) which
locates at [setting > system> Misc setting].
IF power saving mode set to OFF, the system is not completely shutdown and thus it takes a few seconds
to restart.
IF power saving mode set to ON, it is used to reduce the standby power consumption. To save on energy
costs, we recommend leaving power saving mode active.
Network Cable
SAB Android I HD BOX has built-in WIFI, it can connect to the network through the WIFI.
Signal Cable HDMI Cable
Network Cable
Quick Start Guide
Insert your smart card with the chip facing downwards
Lanyard 1pcs
Remote 1pcs
USB to Micro
USB Cable 1 Pcs

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Andere handleiding(en) van SAB ANDROID I HD

SAB ANDROID I HD Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 17 pagina's

SAB ANDROID I HD Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 16 pagina's

SAB ANDROID I HD Snelstart handleiding - Français - 15 pagina's

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