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The Next Generation of Universal Remote Control
Congratulations purchasing easytip, the universal infrared remote
control for your TV set and SAT-Receiver.
Easytip is a product of high quality
All information on this product is published with no consideration
for possible patent rights. Trademarks are mentioned without gu-
arantee of their free use.
Although a lot of care was taken when creating this manual with
its text and graphic images, errors can never be completely
Therefore, the manufacturer cannot be made liable for faulty
statements and their possible consequences.
You are very welcome to contact the manufacturer for report
errors and to make suggestions for improvement.
1998 by ruwido
All rights reserved, including rights of photomechanical
reproduction and electronic storage.
Printed in Austria.
Köstendorfer Straße 8
A-5202 Neumarkt am Wallersee
tel. +43(0)6216/4571
fax +43(0)6216/457126
e-mail: service.easytip@ruwido.com
Internet: http://www.ruwido.com
Inserting and changing the batteries
Your easytip is powered by two (alkaline) 1.5 V batteries (IEC LR
03, AAA)
Insert the batteries following the markings in the battery compart-
After inserting the batteries, your easytip is adjusted for TV-ope-
If the LED does not blink as usual when pressing the keys or if
the device you are controlling fails to respond from the usual di-
stance then the batteries must be changed.
Your easytip includes a intermediate memory which prevents the
easytip from losing its memory during the battery changing.
Please dispose batteries carefully.
Description of keys
a Light-emitting diode (LED)
b Level key to switch to device level (TV, SAT, AUX)
c Number keys: 0-9
d -/--: single/double digit enter, 10, 1-
e Power/Standby (on/off)
f P+/P-: switch to next or previous channel
g +/- Vol: Volume control
h Mute: Sound on/off
i OK/Norm:
For TV: Reset TV set to basic settings and confirmation-key for
For SAT: Confirmation-key for menu of receiver
j• For TV: Using the teletext-function
k • For TV: Function of the Videotext-keys
• For SAT: Radio: Radio operation
• TV/SAT: Switch between TV/SAT
l Menu: calls the menu-function for TV and SAT
m Info: calls the Info-function, Index, S 100
n AV: switch to the AV-channel (e.g.: VCR, SAT)
o Shift: preselection key for adjustment of brightness, color,
contrast, treble, bass, balance.
Programming easytip
Programming by Code entering
1. Switch on the device you want to use your easytip with.
2. Turn to the TV code list (other manual) and look for the name
of your device manufacturer.
3. Choose your device by using the Level key (image b) and
press the key (for about 5 seconds) until the LED blinks twice.
NOTE: The AUX-mode (image b) can be programmed any way
(alternate TV set, alternate VCR, alternate SAT-receiver).
After the LED (image a) flashing twice, press any Level key
(image b), depending on which device you want to have on the
AUX channel (image b).
4. Enter the first 3-digit code from the list with the number keys
(image c) on your remote control.
The first figure of the 3-digit code must be entered within 5 se-
conds of the LED (image a) blinking twice.
Otherwise the LED (image a) will flash once and you will have to
repeat the procedure from step 3.
5. After the 3-digit code has been entered the LED (image a) will
blink twice to indicate that the code has been accepted.
Bedin ET3 Version 1 07.03.2001 14:27 Uhr Seite 4

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