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To avoid environmental and health problems due to hazardous substances,
appliances and rechargeable and non-rechargeable batteries marked with
one of these symbols must not be disposed of with unsorted municipal
waste. Always dispose of electrical and electronic products and, where
applicable, rechargeable and non-rechargeable batteries, at an appropriate
ocial recycling/collection point.
If you ring Customer Service, please have the Model Number to hand, as we won’t be able to
help you without it. It’s on the rating plate (usually underneath the product).
The product isn’t user-serviceable. If it’s not working, read the instructions, check the plug fuse
and main fuse/circuit breaker. If it’s still not working, consult your retailer.
If that doesn’t solve the problem – ring Customer Service – they may be able to oer technical
If they advise you to return the product to us, pack it carefully, include a note with your name,
address, day phone number, and whats wrong. If under guarantee, say where and when
purchased, and include proof of purchase (till receipt). Send it to:
Customer Service
Spectrum Brands (UK) Ltd
Fir Street, Failsworth, Manchester M35 0HS
email: support@russellhobbs.com
telephone: 0345 658 9700 (local rate number)
Please note: If you have purchased the product within the last 6 months, please contact the
retailer in the rst instance to deal with any matters relating to warranty.
Defects aecting product functionality appearing within the guarantee period will be corrected
by replacement or repair at our option provided the product is used and maintained in
accordance with the instructions. Your statutory rights are not aected.
Guarantee period = 2 years from rst retail purchase.
To claim an extra 1 year guarantee, register your product online within 28 days of purchase.
Register at: uk.russellhobbs.com/product-registration
Consumables are guaranteed only for their recommended lifecycle. Replacement/Spare parts*
are excluded and are only covered by a 1 year warranty.
* Examples include lters, removable grill plates, drip trays/crumb trays etc.
www.russellhobbs.com for more products
Register online for an EXTRA year guarantee*.
Visit uk.russellhobbs.com/product-registration
*You must register within 28 days of purchase.

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