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1 Lift the lid up, and rotate it back, to expose the reservoir.
2 Fill the reservoir with water.
3 Alternatively, you may lift the reservoir off the appliance, fill it in the kitchen, and carry it back
to the appliance.
4 Replace the reservoir in the appliance.
5 Slide it down the rear.
6 For one espresso cup, use the small filter, for two cups, use the big filter.
7 Put your cup/cups on the cup warmer.
8 Put the filter into the filter holder, and press it down, to lock it in place.
9 Align the filter holder handle with the front left corner of the appliance.
10 The lugs on top of the filter holder should engage in the lugs round the brewing head.
11 Move the handle to the right as far as it will go, to lock the filter holder in place.
12 Put a large container under the nozzles on the filter holder.
13 Put the plug into the power socket.
14 Move the switch to 1.
15 The power light will glow as long as the appliance is connected to the electricity supply.
16 The thermostat light will glow, then cycle on and off as it works to maintain the temperature.
17 Wait till the thermostat light goes off.
18 Set the steam control to W.
19 Let a couple of cups of water drain into the container.
20 Set the steam control to /.
21 Everything is now warm and ready for use.
22 Move the filter holder handle left, till it reaches the front left corner of the appliance, then
lower the filter holder from the brewing head.
23 Wipe the filter and filter holder with a piece of kitchen paper.
24 Fill the filter to the rim with coffee.
25 Tamp the coffee down with the tamper.
26 It needs to be firmly tamped down, but not compacted.
27 Clear any coffee grounds from the rim, otherwise it won’t seat properly in the brewing head.
28 If you want to use a pod, put it into the small filter. Most pods will fit.
29 Check that the frill round the edge of the pod is completely inside the filter.
30 Align the filter holder handle with the front left corner of the appliance.
31 The lugs on top of the filter holder should engage in the lugs round the brewing head.
1 reservoir lid
2 reservoir
3 cup warmer
4 brewing head
5 scoop
6 frill
7 pod
8 tamper
9 small filter
10 big filter
11 lugs
12 filter holder
13 handle
14 nozzles
15 cover
16 guard
17 drip tray
18 steam pipe
19 frother
20 thermostat light
21 frother control
22 power light
23 switch
0 off
1 on
24 steam control

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