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Read the instructions and keep them safe. If you pass the appliance on, pass on the instructions
too. Remove all packaging, but keep it till you know the appliance works.
Follow basic safety precautions, including:
1 This appliance must only be used by or under the supervision of a responsible adult. Use and
store the appliance out of reach of children.
2 Don’t put the appliance in liquid, don’t use it in a bathroom, near water, or outdoors.
3 Some parts aren’t as hot as others, but they’re all hot. Don’t touch – use oven gloves
or a folded towel.
4 Bread, oil, and other foods may burn. Don’t use the appliance near or below curtains or other
combustible materials, and watch it while in use.
5 Sit the appliance on a stable, level, heat-resistant surface, near a power socket.
6 Route the cable so it doesn’t overhang, and can’t be tripped over or caught.
7 Don’t wrap food in plastic film, polythene bags, or metal foil. You’ll damage the grill and you
may cause a fire hazard.
8 Cook meat, poultry, and derivatives (mince, burgers, etc.) till the juices run clear. Cook fish till
the flesh is opaque throughout.
9 Unplug the appliance when not in use.
10 Don’t use the appliance for any purpose other than cooking food.
11 This appliance must not be operated by an external timer or remote control system.
12 Don’t use the appliance if it’s damaged or malfunctions.
13 If the cable is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent, or
someone similarly qualified, in order to avoid hazard.
household use only
•Wipe the grill plates with a damp cloth.
1 Centre the drip tray under the front of the grill, so it catches any run-off.
2 Open the grill, wipe the grill plates with a little cooking oil or butter, then close it.
, Don’t use low fat spread – it may burn on to the grill.
3 Put the plug into the power socket.
4 The light will glow, then cycle on and off as the thermostat maintains the temperature.
5 When the light goes off, use an oven glove to open the grill.
6 Lay the food on the bottom grill plate with a spatula or tongs, not fingers.
7 Don’t use anything metal or sharp, you’ll damage the non-stick surfaces.
8 Close the grill.
9 The hinge is articulated to cope with thick or oddly shaped foods.
10 The grill plates should be roughly parallel, to avoid uneven cooking.
11 Wait till the food has cooked.
12 Check it’s cooked. If you’re in doubt, cook it a bit more.
13 Remove the cooked food with wooden or plastic tools.
14 Unplug the appliance and let it cool down before cleaning or storing away.

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