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12 Don’t use the cleaner for any purpose other than those described
in these instructions.
13 Don’t use accessories or attachments unless we provide them.
14 Don’t leave the cleaner in sunlight, UV can damage plastics.
15 Don’t use the cleaner if its damaged or malfunctions.
16 If the cable or plug is damaged, return the cleaner to avoid hazard.
household use only
You should have two tubes, a turbo brush, a big brush, a crevice tool,
a small brush, a sofa brush, and a hose – check all the packaging
before you dispose of it.
1 Turn the hose end, to align the lock with the inlet in the cleaner.
2 Push the hose end into the inlet. It’ll click as it locks into position.
3 Pull as much cable as you need from the back of the cleaner.
4 The yellow band round the cable tells you there’s a metre left.
5 The red band tells you “Stop pulling, you’ve run out of cable!”.
6 Watch the cable so it doesn’t catch on anything, or trip anyone.
7 Lift the cleaner only by the handle.
8 Don’t sit it upright – it’ll fall over.
9 You may move the cleaner around by pulling gently
(that’s gently), on the hose.
10 The tools will fit on the nozzle, or the narrow end of either tube.
big brush used with the tubes, for floors and carpets:
Press the rear of the pedal to extend the bristles for
floors with little or no pile. Press the front to retract
the bristles for rugs, carpets, and anything with pile.
turbo brush used with the tubes, for floors and carpets, it has a
rotating, suction powered brush, for deep cleaning.

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