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18 Don’t operate the appliance if its damaged or malfunctions.
19 If the cable is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent, or
someone similarly qualified, in order to avoid hazard.
household use only
1 Sit the motor unit on a dry, firm, level surface, near a power socket.
3 Hold the jug above the motor unit, with the handle about µ of a turn anti-clockwise of the
4 Lower the jug on to the motor unit, then turn the jug clockwise, to align the handle with the
5 Turn the lid about µ of a turn anti-clockwise to unlock it, and lift it off the jug.
6 Put the ingredients into the jug.
7 Don’t fill past the 1500ml mark. If you do, the contents may force the lid off when you start
the motor.
fit the lid
8 Put the lid on the jug, and turn it clockwise to close it and operate the safety switch.
9 Align the pips on the sides of the cap with the slots in the hole in the lid, put the cap into the
hole, and turn it about µ of a turn clockwise to lock it.
10 Don’t run the appliance without fitting the cap.
switch on
11 Put the plug into the power socket.
12 Press and release the 3 button.
a) the light will come on
b) the display will show 0
the speed controls
13 Press u to increase, d to decrease the speed.
14 The range is from 1 (low) to 12 (high).
15 The motor turns off when the display shows 0.
16 To stop quickly, press 3.
17 Generally, large quantities, thick mixes, and a high ratio of solids to liquids suggest longer
timings and slower speeds.
18 Smaller quantities, thinner mixes, and more liquids than solids suggest shorter timings and
higher speeds.
19 Don’t run the motor continuously for more than 2 minutes, it may overheat. After 2 minutes
switch off for at least 2 minutes, to recover.
20 The most efficient way is to blend for a short time, stop and examine the results, then blend
again: blend – look – blend, till you achieve the result you want.
the pulse button Y
21 Pressing the pulse button (Y) will over-ride the speed set by the speed buttons, and give you
a burst of high speed.
22 When you release the Y button, the motor returns to the set speed.
23 You can also use it independently of the speed buttons.
1 pips
2 cap
3 slots
4 hole
5 lid
6 bayonet fitting
7 safety switch
8 jug
9 handle
10 jug base
11 seal
12 blades
13 blade unit
14 display
15 light
16 switch
17 motor unit
18 unlock
19 lock
20 blade unit (upside down)
21 jug base (underneath)

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