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1 drive heads (underneath)
2 hexagon
3 circle
4 pips
5 flanges
6 buttons
7 display
8 eject
9 pulse
10 handle
11 vents
12 whisks
13 hooks
the speed controls
8 Put the plug into the power socket.
9 Press and release the 2 button. The display will light up.
10 The display will show “SPEED” at the top, and the current speed ( 0- 6).
11 Press u to increase, d to decrease the speed.
12 To stop quickly, press 2).
13 The lower part of the display shows how long the motor has been working, in minutes and
14 Generally, large quantities, thick mixes, and a high ratio of solids to liquids suggest longer
timings and slower speeds.
15 Smaller quantities, thinner mixes, and more liquids than solids suggest shorter timings and
higher speeds.
the pulse button Y
16 This button is under the handle, in the “trigger” position.
17 Pressing the pulse button will over-ride the speed set by the speed buttons, and give you a
burst of high speed.
18 P Y” shows at the top, and the speed disappears.
19 You can also use it independently of the speed buttons.
using the mixer
20 Use the whisks for beating/aerating light dough, batter, egg whites and cream.
21 Use the hooks for mixing heavier dough (e.g. bread, fruit-cake).
22 When making dough, use the mixer only for mixing the ingredients. Don’t use it for kneading.
You’ll overload it and damage the motor.
23 If you need to set the mixer down, switch off (2), and shake any mixture off the whisks/hooks.
24 Don’t use the appliance continuously for more than 5 minutes. After 5 minutes use, let it rest
for 5 minutes before carrying on.
25 If the motor starts to labour, add more liquid to the mix, if possible, or switch off and carry on
by hand.
care and maintenance
26 Switch off (2) and unplug the appliance before cleaning.
27 Clean the outside surfaces of the appliance with a damp cloth.
28 Wash the whisks and hooks in hot soapy water, or in the cutlery basket of your dishwasher.
29 Don’t let anything enter the vents.
30 Don’t put the appliance in water or any other liquid.
31 Don’t use harsh or abrasive cleaning agents or solvents.
wheelie bin symbol
To avoid environmental and health problems due to hazardous substances in
electrical and electronic goods, appliances marked with this symbol mustn’t be
disposed of with unsorted municipal waste, but recovered, reused, or recycled.
recipes are available on our website:

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