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the wand
11 Generally, the wand can do anything a normal blender can do, but faster, and with
less washing up – make mayonnaise, milkshakes, smoothies, or fruit drinks in the
beaker. You can blend, pulp or purée ingredients in the pan or bowl you’re going to
cook them in.
12 Whatever container you use, make sure it’s on a stable, flat surface, and support it with
your free hand, to prevent it wandering over the work surface.
13 Don’t immerse the wand past the top of the parallel-sided tube.
hot liquids
15 The wand will withstand temperatures near boiling point. When using it in hot liquids, don’t
let the blade break the surface at an angle, as you might spray liquid outside the bowl/pan/
16 Don’t use the wand in hot oil – not even moderately hot oil. While you may be able to stand
fairly hot water, oil at the same temperature will cause painful burns. Water can be thrown off
immediately and the skin will rapidly cool, but oil will stick to the skin and blister it.
the whisk
17 Generally speaking, while you use the wand to replace a blender, use the whisk where you
would have normally used a balloon whisk, but let the handle do the work, instead of your
arm muscles.
18 It has a slower, gentler approach to the food you are handling.
19 It’s much better for mayonnaise, meringues, and whisking eggs.
20 Push the whisk into the bottom of the whisk holder.
21 To remove the whisk, simply pull it out of the bottom of the whisk holder,
, Don’t immerse the whisk past the bottom of the whisk holder.
the jug and chopper
22 You can use the jug and chopper as a mini food processor.
23 It’ll also make breadcrumbs, chop nuts, and powder dried veg.
24 Unplug the handle.
25 Hold the plastic part of the chopper – keep your fingers well clear of the blade.
26 Lower it into the jug, over the spindle in the bottom of the jug .
27 Add the ingredients – don’t fill the jug above the 1000ml mark.
28 Fit the jug lid – the top of the chopper fits into the drive in the underside of the lid.
29 Fit the handle to the top of the jug lid.
30 Use the chopper in bursts of a few seconds, otherwise you risk overdoing it.
31 Unplug the handle, then remove the handle from the lid.
32 Lift the lid gently from the jug – take care that any drips fall into the jug.
33 Lift the chopper only by the plastic part.
34 For storage, you may use the non-slip base as a lid.
the beaker
35 Don’t fill above the 1000ml mark on the beaker, to prevent the contents escaping.
36 Sit it on a stable, flat work surface, and support it with your free hand.
37 Don’t lift it off the work surface and hold it in your hand – if it slips, you’ll hurt yourself.
38 For storage, you may use the non-slip base as a lid.
1 speed control
2 switch
3 handle
4 button
5 whisk holder
6 whisk
7 wand
8 blade
9 jug lid
10 jug
11 handle
12 spindle
13 non-slip base
14 beaker
15 chopper

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