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Read the instructions and keep them safe. Pass them on if you pass the toaster on.
Remove all packaging, but keep it in case you ever need to return the toaster.
important safeguards
Follow basic safety precautions, including:
1 The toaster must only be used by or under the supervision of a responsible adult.
Use and store it out of reach of children.
2 Don’t put the toaster in liquid, don’t use it in a bathroom, near water, or
3 Sit the toaster upright, on a stable, level, heat-resistant surface.
4 Don’t put it on or near anything that could be damaged even by moderate heat.
5 Bread may burn. Don’t use the toaster near or below curtains or other combustible
materials, and watch it while it’s hot.
6 The area round the toasting slots gets very hot – don’t touch!
7 Route the cable so it doesn’t overhang and can’t be caught.
8 If you’re only using one slot, don’t let anything get into the empty slot, as both slots
will be “live” when the lever is lowered.
9 Don’t cover the toaster, or put anything on top of it – you’ll cause a fire hazard.
10 If bread gets jammed, unplug the toaster, let it cool, then carefully remove the
bread. Don’t use anything sharp, you’ll damage the elements.
11 Don’t toast sandwiches or buttered items, the filling or spread may burn.
12 Don’t use torn, curled up, oversized, or misshapen slices of bread, as these may jam
the toaster.
13 Unplug the toaster when not in use, before moving and before cleaning. Let it cool
down fully before cleaning and storing away.
14 Clean the crumbs out of your toaster frequently, to avoid a build up of crumbs. This
is unhygienic, and could cause a fire hazard.
15 Don’t use the toaster unless the crumb tray is fitted and closed.
16 Don’t connect the toaster to an external timer or remote control system.
17 Keep the toaster and cable away from sources of heat.
18 Don’t use the toaster for any purpose other than those described in these
19 Don’t use the toaster if it’s damaged or malfunctions.
20 If the cable is damaged, return the toaster, to avoid hazard.
household use only
before using for the first time
Check the slots are empty.
Set the browning control to the highest setting (6).
Operate the toaster without bread, to cure the new elements.
They may smoke a bit, but its nothing to worry about – ensure the room is well

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