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, Water spotting affects some fabrics. Test this on a hidden part of the fabric.
30 This function works with dry or steam ironing, as long as there is water in the reservoir.
31 Lift the iron off the fabric.
32 Aim the spray nozzle at the fabric.
33 Press the * button.
34 You may have to press it 2 or 3 times to pump water through the system.
35 This function works with dry or steam ironing, as long as there is water in the reservoir.
36 If you intend to use steam, the temperature setting must be S or higher.
37 Check that there is water in the reservoir.
38 Lift the iron off the fabric.
39 Press the # button.
40 You may have to press it 2 or 3 times to pump water through the system.
41 Leave 4 seconds between shots, to let the steam build up.
, If you’re going to be dry ironing for 20 minutes or more, empty the reservoir first, to avoid
spontaneous bursts of steam.
42 Set the steam control to S.
43 Wait till the light goes off, then start ironing.
44 Remove wrinkles from hanging clothes, hanging curtains, and furnishing fabrics.
45 Check that there is adequate ventilation behind the fabric, otherwise moisture may build up,
causing mildew.
46 Check that there is nothing behind the fabric that may be damaged by the steam.
47 Check that pockets, turn-ups, and cuffs are empty.
48 Check that there is water in the reservoir.
29 Set the temperature control to max. Set the steam control to S.
50 Lift the iron off the fabric.
51 Press the # button.
52 You may have to press it 2 or 3 times to pump water through the system.
53 Leave 4 seconds between shots, to let the steam build up.
54 Set the temperature control to . Set the steam control to S.
55 Unplug the appliance.
56 Press the V button, and keep it pressed in. This opens the valve
57 Hold it over a sink, turn it upside down, and drain the water from the reservoir, via the water
58 Release the V button. This closes the valve.
59 Sit the iron on its heel.
60 Leave it to cool down completely.
61 When it’s cold, wipe off any moisture, and wind the cable round the heel.
62 Store the iron on its heel, to avoid corrosion and damage to the soleplate.
63 To prevent scale building up, use the self clean function at least monthly in normal water
areas, more often in hard water areas.

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