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next time
i) next time you use the coffee maker, remember that the timer has already been
set – it’ll remember the time set until you unplug it, or set it again
18 If you need to cancel the timer before brewing has started, press and release the
AUTO button, the AUTO light will go out, and AUTO will disappear from the display.
19 If you need to stop the coffee maker whilst it’s brewing, press the [ button. The [
light will go out.
, If you want to check the brewing time, press T. You must then press AUTO ,or you’ll
cancel the brewing.
20 When the brewing process has finished, the hotplate will stay on for 2 hours to keep
your coffee hot, then it’ll switch the hotplate off, and the [ light will go out.
21 To pour, remove the carafe from the hotplate, and pour from the spout.
22 Replace the carafe on the hotplate to keep your coffee warm.
23 You may notice some resistance when you replace the carafe – this is caused by the
top of the carafe pushing against the non-drip valve.
a quick cup
24 You may remove the carafe to pour coffee at any time. The non-drip valve will stop
coffee dripping on to the hotplate.
25 To avoid overflowing, replace the carafe within 30 seconds. This may not sound
much, but its more than enough time to pour a couple of cups.
26 When the carafe is empty, press the [ button to switch the hotplate off.
27 Unplug the coffee maker and let it cool down fully before cleaning, or for 10 minutes
before refilling.
caution beware of steam when you open the lid
ground coffee
28 If you want to buy ready-ground coffee, medium-ground filter coffee will give you
the best results. The amount will vary with the type of coffee and your individual
taste. We suggest starting with two rounded teaspoons of medium-ground coffee
per cup.
storing coffee
29 Coffee is best kept in an airtight container in a cool dry place, or in the fridge.
Exposure to air oxidises coffee and allows the flavour to evaporate.
30 There’s a great deal of contention on the subject of milk in coffee. Our view is that
personal taste should rule, not convention. If you like milk in your coffee, use warm
or hot milk, to avoid overcooling the coffee. To extract maximum flavour from the
coffee, it should be cool enough not to scald or burn the mouth, but hot enough to
let the flavour fill the mouth, nose and sinuses, not just the taste buds.

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