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1. Power LED (Top of unit - Not Shown) This Blue LED illuminates when the unit is turned on.
2. Thermal LED (Top of unit - Not Shown) This Red LED illuminates if the amplifier internal
components become too hot and engage the thermal protection.The amplifier will shut down to cool
if this occurs.
3. Protect LED (Top of unit - Not Shown) This Yellow LED illuminates if a short circuit or too low of
an impedance is detected at the speaker connections.The amplifier will automatically shut down if this
4. Cast Aluminum Heatsink The cast aluminum heatsink of the Power amplifier dissipates heat
generated by the amplifier's circuitry.
5. Speaker Terminals The heavy duty, nickel-plated clamp wire connectors (
and -) will accept wire
sizes from 8 AWG to 18 AWG.
6. Remote Punch EQ (Optional Controller) The Remote Punch EQ connection is made with a RJ-45
cable and can be installed in a variety of ways for easy control access.The control is used to boost low
and/or high frequency information to overcome road noise.The remote overrides the Punch EQ on the
amplifier when connected.
NOTE:Previous (prior to 2007) Punch Bass and Para-Punch remotes will not work with these amplifiers.
7. Punch EQ A Gyrator based Punch EQ that eliminates frequency shift with boost.This works along
with the crossover switch on the amplifier.When set to Low-Pass (LP) operation, this is a variable Bass
Boost. When set to High-Pass (HP) operation, this is a variable Mid-Bass and Treble Boost. When set to
All Pass (AP) operation, both the Bass and Treble frequencies are boosted.
8. Crossover Switch Selectable switch for High-Pass (HP),All Pass (AP), or Low-Pass (LP) operation.
9. Variable Crossover – Is a built-in 24dB/octave Butterworth filter with a crossover point variable
from 50Hz to 500Hz.
10. Gain Control The input gain control is preset to match the output of most source units. It can be
adjusted to match output levels from a variety of source units.
11. RCA Pass-Thru Jacks This Pass-Thru provides a convenient source for daisy-chaining an additional
amplifier without running an extra set of RCA cables from the front of the vehicle to the rear amplifier
12. RCA Input Jacks The industry standard RCA jacks provide an easy connection for signal level input.
They are nickel-plated to resist the signal degradation caused by corrosion.
13. REM Terminal The heavy duty, nickel-plated captive c-clamp wire connector will accept wire sizes
from 12 AWG to 24 AWG.This terminal is used to remotely turn-on and turn-off the amplifier when
+12V DC is applied.
14. Power Terminals The power and ground are nickel-plated captive c-clamp wire connectors and will
accommodate up to 4 AWG wire.

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