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Input Clip Indicator Setup
Step 1. Be sure to disconnect all speakers from the
Failure to comply may cause damage to con-
nected components and/or amplifier.
Step 2. Turn on the source unit with volume set to zero.
Step 3. Adjust the Bass & Treble levels on the source unit to flat.
Step 4. Insert test tone or music CD to play for setup.
Note: Use the 40Hz @ 0dB tone (Track 5) for mono amplifier applications
or the 1kHz @ 0dB tone (Track 7) for multi-channel amplifier applications.
Be sure your x-over is switched to the appropriate filter setting.
Step 5. Increase the source unit volume until the Input Clip Indicator il-
luminates red.
Note: Input Clip can be viewed remotely with optional PLC2.
Step 6. Decrease the source unit volume slightly until the light turns
completely off. This establishes your maximum source unit vol-
ume for adjusting the Output Clip Indicator.
Note: Some source units will not clip.
Output Clip Indicator Setup
Step 7. Be sure to disconnect Punch Level Control - PLC (if equipped)
from the amplifier.
Step 8. Adjust the Input Level knob until the Output Clip Indicator illu-
minates to the appropriate color. Repeat for all channel levels of
Step 9. Turn the source unit volume down.
Step 10. Reconnect all speakers and Punch Level Control
- PLC (if equipped) to the amplifier. Be sure to
maintain proper speaker polarity.
Punch EQ
This works along with the crossover switch on the amplifier. When set to
Low-Pass (LP) operation, this is a variable Bass Boost. When set to High-
Pass (HP) operation, this is a variable Mid-Bass and Treble Boost. When
set to All-Pass (AP) operation, both the Bass and Treble frequencies are
boosted. Set this to your personal preference while listening to the system.
Over excursion and subsequent damage may
occur at high levels of boost.
Remote Punch Level Control (Option)
NOTE: Previous (prior to 2013) PEQ, Punch Bass and Para-Punch
remotes will not work with these amplifiers.
Quick Install:
1. Using the screws supplied, install the mounting clip.
2. Slip the remote onto the mounting clip until it snaps into place.
3. Route and connect the cable to the remote and amplifier.
4. When connected, the “Subwoofer Level Control” is linked and allows
you to remotely control the output level of the amplifier from the dash
or center console.
For the T500X1br, the Remote Punch Level Control needs to be switched
to the “ON” position for this feature to be active. The T400X2ad needs to
be switched to “Low-Pass” for this feature to be active. This feature is not
available on the T400X4ad.
NOTE: Use the instructions that came with the remote for a variety of
mountings that fit your preference.
Adjusting Crossover Frequency
Do the following individually for each channel.
Placing the crossover switch in the HP posi-
tion sets the amplifier to the High Pass mode,
enabling frequencies above the cut-off point to
pass, adjustable between 50-250Hz.
Placing the crossover switch in the AP position sets the amplifier to the All
Pass mode, preventing any crossover adjustment, allowing all frequencies
to pass.
Placing the crossover switch in the LP position sets the amplifier to the
Low Pass mode, enabling frequencies below the cut-off point to pass,
adjustable between 50-250Hz.
Turn the crossover adjustment knob all the way down. With the system
playing, turn the crossover adjustment knob up slowly until the desired
crossover point is achieved.
2/4 Channel Switch
Setting this switch to the 2CH. position, switches the inputs to
a 2-channel mode, allowing connection to only the front inputs
with a 4-channel output.
Output controls function the same as if the amplifier was in
4-channel mode.
All “ACTIVE” inputs must have RCA jacks connected.
Switch in 2CH. position,“ACTIVE” - Front channel inputs only.
Switch in 4CH. position,“ACTIVE” - All Front and Rear channel inputs.
NOTE: When connecting to the 4-Channel inputs, be sure to route both
front and rear RCA cables tightly together.
High Level Input
Connect from source signal by plugging into the RCA input jacks at the
amplifier. The input sensitivity ranges from 150mV-12V to accommodate
signal from high-level (speaker) input. When utilizing high-level for input
signal the auto turn-on feature is active. With the auto turn-on active, the
REM becomes an output to turn on/off up to two additional amplifiers or
other accessories.

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