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The following is a list of tools needed for installation:
NOTE: We recommend a 10 AWG(PBR300X1)/8 AWG(PBR500X1) wire for use on the power (B+)
and ground (GND) connections.
This section focuses on some of the vehicle considerations for installing your new amplifier.
Pre-planning your system layout and best wiring routes will save installation time.When deciding on the
layout of your new system, be sure that each component will be easily accessible for making adjustments.
CAUTION: If you feel unsure about installing this system yourself, have it installed by a
qualified technician.
CAUTION: Before installation, disconnect the battery negative (-) terminal to prevent
damage to the unit, fire and/or possible injury.
Before beginning any installation, follow these simple rules:
1. Be sure to carefully read and understand the instructions before attempting to install the unit.
2. For safety, disconnect the negative lead from the battery prior to beginning the installation.
3. For easier assembly, we suggest you run all wires prior to mounting your unit in place.
4. Route all of the RCA cables close together and away from any high current wires.
5. Use high quality connectors for a reliable installation and to minimize signal or power loss.
6. Think before you drill! Be careful not to cut or drill into gas tanks, fuel lines, brake or hydraulic lines,
vacuum lines or electrical wiring when working on any vehicle.
7. Never run wires underneath the vehicle. Running the wires inside the vehicle provides the best
8. Avoid running wires over or through sharp edges. Use rubber or plastic grommets to protect any
wires routed through metal, especially the firewall.
9. ALWAYS protect the battery and electrical system from damage with proper fusing. Install the
appropriate fuse holder and fuse on the +12V power wire within 18" (45.7 cm) of the battery
10. When grounding to the chassis of the vehicle, scrape all paint from the metal to ensure a good, clean
ground connection. Grounding connections should be as short as possible and always be connected to
metal that is welded to the main body, or chassis, of the vehicle.
Engine Compartment
Never mount this unit in the engine compartment. Mounting the unit in the engine compartment will void
your warranty.
Trunk Mounting
Mounting the amplifier vertically or inverted will provide adequate cooling of the amplifier.
Mounting the amplifier on the floor of the trunk will provide the best cooling of the amplifier.
Passenger Compartment Mounting
Mounting the amplifier in the passenger compartment will work as long as you provide a sufficient amount
of air for the amplifier to cool itself. If you are going to mount the amplifier under the seat of the vehicle,
you must have at least 1" (2.54cm) of air gap around the amplifier's heatsink.
Mounting the amplifier with less than 1" (2.54cm) of air gap around the amplifier's heatsink in the
passenger compartment will not provide proper cooling and will severely affect the performance of the
amplifier and is strongly not recommended.
Fuse-holder and fuse.
(See specifications for fuse rating)
Volt/Ohm Meter
Wire strippers
Wire crimpers
Wire cutters
#1 Standard screwdriver
Battery post wrench
Hand held drill w/assorted bits
1/8" diameter heatshrink tubing
Assorted connectors
Adequate Length—Power Wire
Adequate Length—Remote Turn-
on Wire
Adequate Length—Ground Wire

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