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18. Do not store any materials, other than the manufacturers recommended accessories,
in this oven when not in use.
19. Do not place any of the following materials in the oven: paper, cardboard, plastic, or
any other material that may catch fire or melt.
20. Do not cover crumb tray or any part of the oven with metal foil. This will cause
overheating of the oven.
21. Do not pull, twist or otherwise abuse cord.
22. Never operate any appliance on top of a non-heat-resistant or flammable surface.
23. Never leave appliance unattended when in use.
24. This appliance is not intended for commercial or industrial use.
This appliance is for HOUSEHOLD USE ONLY. It may be plugged into an AC electrical
outlet (ordinary household current). Do not use any other electrical outlet.
A short power supply cord is provided to reduce the hazards resulting from entanglement
or tripping over a longer cord. This appliance has a polarized plug (one blade is wider
than the other). To reduce the risk of electric shock, this plug is intended to fit into a
polarized outlet only one way. If the plug does not fit into the outlet, reverse the plug and
try again. If it still does not fit, contact a qualified electrician. Do not attempt to modify
the plug in any way.
1. Never pull or yank on cord or the appliance.
2. To insert plug, grasp it firmly and guide it into outlet.
3. To disconnect appliance, grasp plug and remove it from outlet.
4. Before each use, inspect the line cord for cuts and/or abrasion marks. If any are
found, this indicates that the appliance should be serviced and the line cord replaced.
Please return it to our Service Department or to an authorized service representative.
5. Never wrap the cord tightly around the appliance, as this could place undue stress on
the cord where it enters the appliance and cause it to fray and break.
Longer detachable power-supply cords or extension cords are available and may
be used if care is exercised in their use. If a longer detachable power-supply cord

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