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Measuring your rice is of extreme importance. Please do not discard the
"rice cooker" measuring cup that is provided with this unit. This "rice
cooker" measuring cup is the standard unit of measurement for this
product. When this manual instructs you to add 5 cups of rice and add
the corresponding amount of water to the "5" marking on the INNER
BOWL, the instructions are referring to the "rice cooker" measuring cup
that is included, not a standard U.S. measuring cup.
Measure the amount of rice you would like to cook. A
cup (180
ml) measuring cup is included with your rice cooker. The "rice
cooker" measuring cup makes approximately 2
cups of cooked
NOTE: The rice cooker is capable of cooking up to 5 full "rice cooker"
measuring cups of uncooked rice. Many varieties of rice can be used,
including basmati, wild rice, black rice, Arborio, risotto, saffron rice,
short and long grain. Do not use instant rice with this rice cooker.
Whole grains such as barley can also be prepared with the rice
Wash the measured rice in a separate bowl until water is clear.
Place rice in the INNER POT and add the corresponding amount of water.
For example, if you are making 5 cups of uncooked rice, add water to the
"5" mark on the inner bowl.
Brown rice will take longer to cook than white rice.
Set the INNER POT into the RICE COOKER.
Make sure that the INNER POT is in direct contact with the heating
plate by turning it slightly from left to right until it properly fits onto
the heating plate.
NOTE: If the outside of the INNER POT is wet when placed in the
rice cooker, this may cause a crackling noise until the unit heats up.
Also, this may damage the inner working of the appliance, so always
wipe the outside of the pot completely before use.
Cover with the LID.

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