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Printed in China GR250/9100110000026
1. Do NOT attempt to repair or adjust any electrical or mechanical functions on this unit. Doing so will void the Warranty.
2. If you need to exchange the unit, please return it in its original carton, with a sales receipt, to the store where you purchased it. If you are
returning the unit more than 30 days after the date of purchase, please see the enclosed Warranty.
3. If you have any questions or comments regarding this unit’s operation or believe any repair is necessary, please write to our Consumer
Service Department or visit our website at www.rivalproducts.com
A. This Warranty applies only to the original purchaser of this product.
B. This Warranty applies ONLY to repair or replacement of any supplied or manufactured parts of this product that, upon
inspection by The Holmes Group, Inc. authorized personnel, is shown to have failed in normal use due to defects in material or
workmanship. The Holmes Group will determine whether to repair or replace the unit. This Warranty does not apply to
installation expenses.
C. Operating this unit under conditions other than those recommended or at voltages other than the voltage indicated on the unit,
or attempting to service or modify the unit, will render this WARRANTY VOID.
D. Unless otherwise proscribed by law, The Holmes Group shall not be liable for any personal injury, property or any incidental or
consequential damage of any kind resulting from malfunctions, defects, misuse, improper installation or alteration of this product.
E. All parts of this product are guaranteed for a period of 1 year as follows:
1. Within the first 30 days from date of purchase, the store from which you purchased your product should replace this
product if it is defective in material or workmanship (provided the store has in-stock replacement.) * If you intend to assert
any claim in connection with the product, please follow the instructions in paragraph F.
2. Within the first twelve months from date of purchase, The Holmes Group will repair or replace the product if it is defective
in material or workmanship, subject to the conditions in paragraph G.
F. If you have any other problem or claim in connection with this product, please write to our Consumer Service Department.
G. IMPORTANT RETURN INSTRUCTIONS. Your Warranty depends on your following these instructions if you are returning the unit
to The Holmes Group, Inc.:
1. Carefully pack the item in its original carton or other suitable box to avoid damage in shipping.
2. Before packing your unit for return, be sure to enclose:
a) Your name, full address with zip code and telephone number,
b) A dated sales receipt or PROOF OF PURCHASE,
c) A check for return prepaid shipping and handling, and
d) The model number of the unit and the problem you are having. (Enclose in an envelope and tape directly to the unit before the
box is sealed.)
3. The Holmes Group recommends you ship the package U.P.S ground service for tracking purposes.
4. All shipping charges must be prepaid by you.
5. Mark the outside of your package:
This Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may have other rights which vary from state to state. The provisions of this
Warranty are in addition to, and not a modification of, or subtraction from, the statutory warranties and other rights and remedies
contained in any applicable legislation. To the extent that any provision of this Warranty is inconsistent with any applicable law, such
provision shall be deemed voided or amended, as necessary, to comply with such law.

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