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1. Read all instructions before using the
2. Read and follow the specific: "PRECAU-
found on page 2.
3. As with most cooking appliances, close
supervision is necessary to reduce the risk
of a fire in the oven cavity.
the appliance when paper, plastic, or
other combustible materials are placed
inside the oven to facilitate cooking.
handles from paper or plastic
the oven.
keep the oven door closed. Turn the
oven off, and unplug the appliance.
Disconnect the power cord, shut off
power at the fuse or circuit breaker panel.
purposes. Do not leave paper products,
cooking utensils, or food in the cavity
when not in use.
5. This oven must be grounded. Connect
only to properly grounded outlet. See
on page 4.
6. Install or locate this oven only in
accordance with the installation
instructions provided.
7. Some products such as whole eggs
and sealed containers-for example,
closed glass jars-are able to explode
and should not be heated in the oven.
To reduce the risk of burns, electric shock, fire, injury to
when using your appliance, follow basic
safety precautions,
including the following:
uses as described in this manual. Do
not use corrosive chemicals or vapors
in this appliance. This oven is
specifically designed to heat or cook
or dry food. It is not designed for
industrial or laboratory use.
9. As with any appliance, close
supervision is necessary when used
by children.
10. Do not operate this oven if it has a
damaged cord or plug, if it is not
damaged or dropped.
12. Do not cover or block any openings on
the oven.
13. Do not store or use this appliance
14. Do not use this oven near water, for
example, near a kitchen sink, in a wet
basement, near a swimming pool, or
similar locations.
15. Do not immerse cord or plug in water.
16. Keep cord away from heated surfaces.
17. Do not let cord hang over edge of
table or counter.
18. When cleaning surfaces of door and
oven that comes together on closing
the door, use only mild, nonabrasive
soaps or detergents applied with a
sponge or soft cloth.
persons or exposure
to excessive microwave oven energy
bags before placing them in
i) Do not overcook food. Carefully attend
ii) Remove wire twist-ties and metal
iii) If materials inside the oven ignite,
iv) Do not use the oven cavity for storage
8. Use this appliance only for its intended
working properly or if it has been
4. To reduce the risk of fire in the oven
This microwave should be serviced
only by qualified service personnel.

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