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Product name: Ring
Model name: Video Doorbell
Power input: 8-24 VAC, 5Vdc 1 A
Setup and
Installation Guide
Step 1
Download the Ring app
The Ring app will walk you through
the process outlined in this manual,
but in case you like reading small
print we’ve also included this manual.
Visit: ring.com/app
Visit the online setup guide for
extra help
We have an online guide with videos
and tutorials all about setting up and
using your Ring Video Doorbell.
Visit: ring.com/setup
Step 2
Say “Hello” to the back of your Ring
Setup Button – The orange button is
the setup button. You’ll be instructed
to push it during the in-app setup.
Charging Port – If you’re not wiring
your Ring Doorbell, you’ll need to
charge it periodically by plugging
the provided orange cable into the
charging port.
For more, visit: ring.com/charging
Setup Button Charging Port
Step 3
Perform the in-app setup
The Ring app will walk you through
this process.
Download the Ring app by visiting
Select the plus sign in the Ring app
to set up a new device, and when
prompted, select Video Doorbell.
Perform setup inside near
your router. You’ll need your
network name and Wi-Fi password.
Step 4
Push the Front Button to Run a Test
After setup, push the front button on
your Ring Doorbell indoors near your
router to see video from your Ring
Doorbell in the Ring app. Then test
your Ring Doorbell outside.
If video quality from your
Ring Doorbell is not as good
outdoors as it was indoors, you may
need to move your router closer to
your door, or invest in an extender.
Learn more at: ring.com/extender
If you notice a diode when you
remove your wired doorbell,
take note of this as it means you will
need to use the included diode.
Step 5
Remove Your Existing
Doorbell (optional)
If you’re replacing a wired doorbell,
first turn off the power at the breaker.
Then remove your doorbell from the
wall, and disconnect the wires.
Step 6
Install the Mounting Bracket
Take everything that came in the
box, along with a power drill if
you’re installing on stucco, brick or
concrete, to the spot where you’ll be
installing your Ring Doorbell.
Snap the provided level onto the
mounting bracket and use it to
help position the bracket.
Then remove the orange tape, and
use the mounting bracket as a
template to mark the four
corner holes.
On wood or siding, you can skip this
part, and screw the bracket directly
into your wall.
If you have a smaller drill bit, it
may help to use this bit to drill
pilot holes.
Installing the Mounting Bracket
On stucco, brick, or concrete install
the anchors using the provided drill
bit and a power drill before installing
the mounting bracket.
Installing the Mounting Bracket
Use the phillips head side of the Ring
screwdriver for screwing in your
mounting bracket.
Installing the Mounting Bracket
Drive the screws into the anchors, or
directly into your wall until they are
flush with the mounting
bracket, and the bracket is
flat against your wall.
If your wall is not
completely flat,
be careful not to screw the
bracket in so tightly that it bends.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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Andere handleiding(en) van Ring Video Deurbel

Ring Video Deurbel Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 15 pagina's

Ring Video Deurbel Snelstart handleiding - English - 2 pagina's

Ring Video Deurbel Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 20 pagina's

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