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Quick Reference Fax Guide
cPlease put this guide above your machineg
Chapter references in this guide refer to the bundled OI CD; Fax and Connecting the Machine/ System Settings.
© 2013 EN
A Press the {Home} key on the top left of the control
panel, and press the [Facsimile] icon on the [Home]
B Specify a transmission mode:
• Memory Transmission, or
Immediate Transmission (selected by pressing
[Immed. TX])
C Place the original.
• Exposure glass
(face down)
• Auto Document
Feeder (face up)
D Make the scan settings you require.
E Specify a destination.
F Press the {Start} key.
If you select Memory Transmission, you can send to
more destinations at once. To do this, after step 5,
specify destinations and press the {Start} key.
To send to an Internet Fax, e-mail, or folder destination,
press [
] (Internet Fax) , [ ] (Email), or [ ] (Folder)
to switch the transmission type.
How to send a fax...
Please see Fax Operating Instructions:
- SUB/SEP Codes (Other Transmission Features)
Privacy can be protected when faxing with a SUB/
SEP Code, since only people who know the SUB/
SEP Code can receive or print the fax document.
- Printed reports (Changing/Confirming
Communication Information) Inform you if a fax has
been saved, sent, or failed to be transmitted.
- LAN-Fax features - Sending a fax from a computer.
(Fax via Computer)
Advanced Fax Features
Memory + Immediate
Before the original is scanned = before pressing the
{Start} key:
A Press the {Reset} key.
While the original is being scanned
A Press the {Stop} key.
B Press [Cancel Scan.] or [Cancel TX].
After the original is scanned
A Press the {Stop} key.
B Press [Standby File List].
C Select the file you want to cancel.
D Press [Cancel TX], and then press [OK].
E Press [Exit].
How to cancel a transmission...
A Press [Send Settings].
B Press [
] three or four times, and then press [Store
C Select [Store to HDD + Send].
D Set the user name, file name, and password as
necessary, and then press [OK] twice.
E Specify a destination, and then press the {Start} key.
To send a fax from Document Server:
A Press [Send Settings].
B Press [
] four times, and then press [Select Stored
C Select the documents to be sent, and then press
[OK] twice.
D Specify a destination, and then press the {Start} key.
How to fax to Document Server...
(Storing a Document)
A Press the {User Tools/Counter} key.
B Press [Address Book Mangmnt].
C Press [Change], and then select the item you want to display from
[All Users], [User Code], [Fax Dest.], [Email] and [Folder].
D Select the name whose fax destination you want to register. Press
the name key, or enter the registered number using the number keys.
E Press [Fax Dest.].
F Press [Fax Destination], enter the fax number using the number
keys and press [OK].
G Press [Exit].
H Press [OK].
I Press the {User Tools/Counter} key.
How to program a Destination key…
(Registering Addresses and Users for Facsimile/Scanner Functions,
Connecting the Machine/ System Settings)
Using this function, you can instruct the machine to send the fax
at a later time via Memory Transmission.
Advantage: you can take advantage of off-peak telephone
charges, without being at the machine.
A Place the original, and then select the scan settings you require.
B Press [Send Settings].
C Press [
], and then press [Send Later].
D Enter the time using the number keys, and then press [#].
E Press [OK] twice.
How to send at a specific time (Send Later)
(Other Transmission Features)
The Journal is printed automatically after every 50
communications. You can also request a Journal at
any time, by following the procedure below.
A Press [Comm. Status/Print].
B Press [Print Journal].
C Select the printing method:
- [All]
- [Print per File No.]
- [Print per User]
D Press the {Start} key.
E Press [Exit] twice.
How to print the Journal...
(Changing/Confirming Communication Information)
*The shape of the machine, screen displays, procedures,
and titles in references vary depending on the machine
you are using. Also, not all functions are available on all
1. {Home} key
Press to display the [Home] screen.
2. Function keys
No functions are registered to the function keys
as a factory default. You can register often used
functions, programs, and Web pages.
3. Display panel
4. {Reset} key
Press to clear the current settings.
5. {Program} key
Press to register frequently used
settings, or to recall registered settings.
6. Main power indicator
7. {Energy Saver} key
8. {Login/Logout} key
9. {User Tools/Counter} key
10. {Simple Screen} key
11. {#} key (Enter key)
12. {Start} key
Press to start copying, printing,
scanning, or sending.
13. {Clear} key
Press to delete a number entered.
14. {Stop} key
Press to stop a job in progress, such as
copying, scanning, faxing, or printing.
15. Number keys
16. Confidential File indicator
17. Communicating indicator
18. Fax Received indicator
19. {Check Status} key
20. Data In indicator
21. Media access lamp
22. Media slots
2 3 4 5 6
17 161820

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Vul uw emailadres in en ontvang de handleiding van Ricoh MP 2001 in de taal/talen: Engels als bijlage per email.

De handleiding is 0,44 mb groot.


U ontvangt de handleiding per email binnen enkele minuten. Als u geen email heeft ontvangen, dan heeft u waarschijnlijk een verkeerd emailadres ingevuld of is uw mailbox te vol. Daarnaast kan het zijn dat uw internetprovider een maximum heeft aan de grootte per email. Omdat hier een handleiding wordt meegestuurd, kan het voorkomen dat de email groter is dan toegestaan bij uw provider.

Andere handleiding(en) van Ricoh MP 2001

Ricoh MP 2001 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 1 pagina's

Ricoh MP 2001 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 1 pagina's

Ricoh MP 2001 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 1 pagina's

Ricoh MP 2001 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 236 pagina's

Ricoh MP 2001 Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 1 pagina's

Ricoh MP 2001 Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 1 pagina's

Ricoh MP 2001 Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 1 pagina's

Ricoh MP 2001 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 244 pagina's

Ricoh MP 2001 Snelstart handleiding - English - 1 pagina's

Ricoh MP 2001 Snelstart handleiding - English - 1 pagina's

Ricoh MP 2001 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 228 pagina's

Uw handleiding is per email verstuurd. Controleer uw email

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