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Make sure your shaver is properly charged
Begin by removing the protective head guard from your shaver.
Switch the shaver on.
(Fig. D
Slide the pop-up trimmer up and use to remove long hair fi rst. Then slide down when
Stretch the skin with your free hand so the hairs stand upright.
Hold the shaving head so all foils touch your skin simultaneously. The independently
oating foils automatically adjust to the contours of your face. Only apply light pressure on
the shaving head whilst shaving and use short, circular strokes. (Fig. F)
After shaving turn the shaver off.
Ensure your skin is dry. Always hold the shaver at right angles to the skin so that both foils
are touching the skin with equal pressure. Use moderate to slow stroking movements. The
use of short circular motions in stubborn areas may obtain a closer shave, especially along the
neck and chin line. DO NOT hold the shaver at an angle whereby only one foil is touching the
skin. This will distort the foil and may cause the cutters to damage the foil.
DO NOT press hard against the skin in order to avoid damage to the foil
080621_REME_IFU_FF500_FF600_inneGB_3 GB_3080621_REME_IFU_FF500_FF600_inneGB_3 GB_3 08.28.2008 7:25:41 Uhr08.28.2008 7:25:41 Uhr
To shave without the head pivoting sytem, slide the trimmer up to the first position.
Completely retracted (down), the trimmer is out of the way and off,
Press the trimmer button down with your thumb to get it into this position.
Fully extended (up), the trimmer can be used to trim your sideburns and moustache.
for when you want to use the screens alone.
It can also works with the screens , cutting the longer, hard-to-shave hairs
so the screens can get extra close.
In the middle position, the trimmer locks the pivoting head.

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