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10 Do not use attachments other than those we supply.
11 Do not twist or kink the cable, or wrap it round the appliance.
12 Do not use the appliance if it is damaged or malfunctions.
13 If the cable is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent, or
14 This appliance is not intended for commercial or salon use.
15 Let the appliance cool down before cleaning and storing away.
1 Washandconditionyourhairasnormal.
2 Squeezeoutexcessmoisturewithatowelandcombthrough.
* Hairsprayscontainammablematerial–donotusewhileusingthedryer.
3 Plug in the appliance.
4 For fast drying and to remove excess moisture from the hair use dryer on high heat/high
speed with the 11mm concentrator.
5 Select desired temperature and speed setting using the switches on the handle.
6 Tocreatesmoothstylesusethe7mmslimconcentratorandaroundhairbrush(not
7 To enhance natural curls and waves attach the diuser to the dryer. Turn head upside
down and gently place hair into the diuser bowl rotating the dryer in your hand slightly
as you style.
8 To create extra volume at the roots of the hair, keep head upright and place the diuser
against the top of the head. Gently rotate the hairdryer allowing the diuser ngers to
gently massage the scalp. Be careful not to burn the scalp. Dry gently on a low heat/low
speed setting.
9 To set the style press the cold shot button whilst styling. Release it to reactivate heat.
10 Whennished,turntheapplianceoandunplug.
Unplug the appliance and let it cool.
To maintain peak product performance and to prolong motor life, it is important to regularly
remove dust and dirt from the rear grille and clean with a soft brush.
other place your thumb and index nger on the indents either side of the rear grille. Pull the
rear grille away from the dryer.
To replace the rear grille hold in place with thumb and index nger again and click back onto
the dryer.
electronic goods, appliances marked with this symbol must not be disposed of
with unsorted municipal waste, but recovered, reused or recycled.
This product has been checked and is free of defects.
for the guarantee period from the original date of consumer purchase.
If the product should become defective within the guarantee period, we will repair any such
defect or elect to replace the product or any part of it without charge, provided there is proof
of purchase.
This does not mean an extension of the guarantee period.
In the case of a guarantee simply call the Service Centre in your region.
This guarantee is oered over and above your normal statutory rights.
The guarantee shall apply in all countries in which our product was sold via an authorised
This guarantee does not include damage to the product by accident or misuse, abuse,
alteration to the product or use inconsistent with the technical and/or safety instructions
This guarantee shall not apply if the product has been dismantled or repaired by a person not
authorised by us.
If you ring the Service Centre, please have the Model No. to hand, as we won’t be able to help
you without it.
It’s on the rating plate which can be found on the appliance.

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