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This device has left the factory in perfect condition. To maintain this condition and to ensure a risk-free operation the user must observe the safety
instructions and warnings contained in this operation manual.
For reasons of safety and certication (CE) the unauthorised conversion and/or modication of the device is prohibited. Please note that in the
event of damage caused by the manual modication to this device any warranty claims are excluded.
The inside of the device does not contain any parts which require maintenance, with the exception of wear parts that can be exchanged from the
outside. Only qualied staff must carry out maintenance, otherwise warranty does not apply!
The fuse must exclusively be exchanged against fuses of the same class, with the same trigger features and nominal current rating.
Only use cables that comply with regulations. Make sure that all jacks and bushes are tightened and correctly hooked up. Refer to your dealer if
you have any questions.
Ensure that when setting up the product the USB cable is not squashed or damaged by sharp edges.
Prevent the mains cable from coming into contact with other cables! Exercise great care when handling mains cables and connections. Never touch
these parts with wet hands!
Disconnect the device from the supply outlet when not in use and before cleaning! Be sure to hold the USB cord by the body. Never pull the cord!
Position the device on a horizontal and stable low-ame base.
Avoid any concussions or violent impact when installing or operating the device.
When selecting the location of installation make sure that the device is not exposed to excessive heat, humidity, and dust. Be sure that no cables
lie around openly. You will endanger your own safety and that of others!
Do not rest any containers lled with liquid that could easily spill onto the device or in its immediate vicinity. If, however, uids should access
the inside of the device, immediately disconnect the USB cord. Have the device checked by a qualied service technician before re-use. Damage
caused by uids inside the device is excluded from the warranty.
Do not operate the device under extremely hot (in excess of 35° C) or extremely cold (below 5° C) conditions. Keep the device away from direct
exposure to the sun and heat sources such as radiators, ovens, etc. (even during transport in a closed vehicle). Never cover the cooling fan or vents.
Always ensure sufcient ventilation.
The device must not be operated after being taken from a cold environment into a warm environment. The condensation caused hereby may des-
troy your device. Do not switch on or operate the device until it has reached ambient temperature!
Controls and switches should never be treated with spray-on cleaning agents and lubricants. This device should only be cleaned with a damp cloth.
Never use solvents or cleaning uids with a petroleum base for cleaning.
When relocating, the device should be transported in its original packaging.
Devices supplied by voltage should not be left in the hands of children. Please exercise particular care when in the presence of children.
At commercial facilities the regulations for the prevention of accidents as stipulated by the organization of professional associations must be
At schools, training facilities, hobby and self-help workshops the operation of the device must be monitored with responsibility by trained staff.
Keep this operation manual in a safe place for later reference in the event of questions or problems.
This device is a professional DJ MIDI controller with integrated 4-channel soundcard that can control software. The device should be connected
via USB cable to a computer.
If the device is used for any other purposes than those described in the operation manual, damage can be caused to the product, leading to ex-
clusion of warranty rights. Moreover, any other application that does not comply with the speci ed purpose harbours risks such as short circuit,
 re, electrical shock, etc.
The serial number determined by the manufacturer must never be removed to uphold the warranty rights.
Check the technical safety of the device regularly for damage to the USB cord or the casing, as well as for wearout of wear parts such as rotary
knobs and sliding faders.
If it is to be assumed that a safe operation is no longer feasible, then the device must be disconnected and secured against accidental use. Always
disconnect the USB cord!
It must be assumed that a safe operation is no longer feasible, if the device bears visible defects, if the device no longer functions, following longer
storage under unfavourable conditions or after major transport stress.

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