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The CarSat-antennas was developed to also use road vehicles such as Caravans,
minibuses, vans and trucks can offer the full convenience of a fully automatic satellite
Never remove the cover. There are no parts inside that can be repaired by the
Opening the covers voids the warranty for the device.
Never carry out repairs yourself. For repairs, contact the manufacturer service
or your specialist dealer.
It is recommended that the installation of the satellite system on your
camping vehicle or other places be carried out by a specialist dealer or a
specialist workshop. Incorrect installation of the satellite system can damage
the antenna and e.g. on your vehicle.
Please always check that the antenna is retracted before driving off.
Always mount the antenna against the direction of travel.
This system is not suitable for use while the vehicle is in motion. Use while
driving can cause damage to the vehicle as well as property damage or
personal injury.
The control unit should not be placed near sources of heat such as Ovens,
heaters are positioned, avoid heat build-up on the device.
If the antenna is covered with snow or ice, the system must not be operated.
This type of use can lead to permanent damage to the system.
Please note that the antenna changes the vehicle height accordingly, the user
is responsible for proper and smooth operation.
Before mounting the antenna, make sure that the load at the selected
mounting point corresponds to the weight of the antenna. If necessary,
contact your dealer or the vehicle manufacturer for more information.
Please note that there are no obstacles at the installation site of the antenna
and approx. 40cm near the rotational movement when searching for the
satellite that could lead to damage.
Driving with the antenna extended is not permitted. This can damage the
system or your vehicle.
Speeds over 130km / h are not permitted. It can cause damage at higher
The satellite system is not suitable for automatic car washes.
During thunderstorms, disconnect the control unit from the satellite system.
Enclosed cables must not be led over sharp edges or kinked.
Improper device-related handling leads to the loss of the guarantee.

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