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38 39
Problem Possible cause Action
Loud squealing (feedback) The baby unit is too close to the
parent unit.
Increase the distance between
the baby unit and the parent
Signal noise/connection inter-
The baby/parent unit is close to
interfering devices (e.g. micro-
wave) or metal objects.
The maximum range has been
Battery of child/parental unit is
too weak.
Try to find the source of inter-
ference and move the units to a
different position.
Reduce the distance between
the baby unit and the parent
Connect device to power
Belated/answering back function Your baby is crying, but you are
trying to talk him outside of the
„free“ interval.
It is best to switch the Talk Back
function to rb tb or rb on and
talk after the tone sounds.
No function for answering back Talk Back function is not
Turn on Talk Back function on the
child unit.
Baby unit reacts upon noises that
are too quiet
The microphone sensitivity is
set too high.
Please select a low VOX level.
The volume on the child unit is
set too low.
Baby unit only reacts upon noises
that are loud
The microphone sensitivity is
set too low.
Please choose a higher level
of VOX.
LED light up red Parent unit is broadcasting.
The parent unit is in the charg-
er, the battery is charging.
No action required.
No action is required, the LED
lights up as soon as the battery
is fully charged.
LED lights up green The parent unit receives sounds. No action required.
The LED on the child unit is off,
even when the device is charging
There is no LED on the child unit
so the light wouldn‘t disturb
your little darling.
Fully charged battery signaled
by FULL on the display, event.
by the appropriate number of
Service Address And Technical
reer GmbH
Muehlstraße 41
71229 Leonberg
At the end of its life, this product must not be disposed of as normal domestic
waste, but should be recycled at a collection point for electrical appliances.
Please see the relevant symbol on the product, in the user manual and pack-
aging. Materials can be recycled as specified. Do not put used batteries into
household waste. Instead they should be disposed of as hazardous waste or
with a battery collection station provided by the dealer. An important contri-
bution to the protection of the environment can be made by reusing the unit, recycling its
components or otherwise reusing old appliances. Please contact your local council to find
out more about an appropriate disposal centre.
Instructions for battery use: If the devices are
not used for longer time, it is recommended to
disconnect the plug of the battery pack from the
radio. Recharge the Li-Ion Batteries every six
month when stored.
Environmental protection
Please retain your receipt, the user manual and item number. Warranty claims or claims from
promises of guarantee must be processed by the dealer. The technical specification, informa-
tion and characteristics of the product described herein have been compiled to the best of
our knowledge and belief and are correct at the time of printing. Any information provided
by reer should be correct and authoritative. Nevertheless, reer does not accept liability for
potential errors in this document and reserves the right to make changes to the product
design and/or specifications without prior notice.Reproduction and disclosure of information
contained in this copyright-protected document, in any form or by any means - graphical,
electronic or mechanical by photocopying, recording on tape or storage in a data retrieval
system (even in part), require prior written consent from reer.
The manufacturer/distributor provides a 2-year warranty on this device from the date of
purchase. This warranty covers all flaws due to defective components or defective functions
during the warranty period, with the exception of wear, e.g. dead batteries, scratches on
the display, damaged housing, defective antenna and flaws due to external influences such
as corrosion, poor external power supply or use of inappropriate accessory parts. Defects
caused by inappropriate use are also excluded from the warranty. Please retain your bill/
payment receipt, manual, and product number. Claims arising from the warranty and product
liability must be exercised exclusively through the distributor.
The technical assistance hotline may be contacted
at +49 (0)7152 / 92852-0 (standard price for calling
a fixed line), or at the e-mail info@ reer.de. Before
submitting a supposedly malfunctioning device to a
claim, contacting the technical assistance hotline
may save you time and costs.

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