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Check the broadcast function of the child unit by tapping on the supplied cable microphone.
The tone is now being transmitted on the parental unit and, in addition, the white LED lights
up above the display. These have the function of optically displaying the sound level.
Caution: With insufficient distance between both devices, squealing tones may be produced.
In this case, lower the volume of the parental unit and increase the distance.
Warning: In the event of a breakdown, choose a different channel.
Use the / buttons to set the parental unit to the desired volume. to
will appear on the display.
In this way, you can also set the volume on the child unit. It is important to set the volume
on the child unit if you want to talk to your child (speaking function). Otherwise, we recom-
mend setting the child unit volume to the lowest level.
Set Channel
Press the button in the menu and use buttons / to set the channel. Press the PTT button
to save settings. Or you can wait for several seconds.
There are 18 possible settings, 01b to18b for the child unit and 01P to 18P for the parental
unit. Numbers 1 through 18 are intended for pre-set combinations of PMR446 channels and
CTCSS tones. These numbers are valid only for radio devices of this type. Communication
between baby monitors of other brands is not possible.
Warning: The numbers of channels on both devices must match!
Microphone sensitivity and VOX function
The baby monitor is equipped with smart sound activation (VOX). The transmitter switches
to minimum energy consumption and reduces radiation if there is no sound in the room.
If the child unit registers sounds, it activates the radio link and transmits the sounds to the
mobile parental unit.
The baby monitor has four elective levels of microphone sensitivity. The device is factory-set
to level 4 (maximum sensitivity). To change the sensitivity of the microphone, briefly press
button twice. Vo now appears on the screen and 04
blinks. With buttons /
you can choose the level 01-04. To save the settings, briefly press the PTT button or wait
5 seconds.
If you want to be notified even about the smallest sound, turn the microphone sensitivity
on the child unit to 04. If the microphone is set to sensitivity 01, you will be alerted when
louder sounds occur.
By selecting Vo oF, you can turn off the VOX function.
oF VOX is deactivated
1. low sensitivity
2. medium sensitivity
3. high sensitivity
4. highest sensitivity
Intercom function/Talk Back function
When your child starts to cry, you can talk to him to calm him down and show to him that
you are already on the way. Essentially, you can always talk to your child when he is calm.
If your child talks or cries, you have to wait until he pauses. In case of persistent crying,
the Talk Back function will interrupt the transmission. This will happen after 10 seconds of
uninterrupted transmission. In this way, you have the chance to talk your child for a period
of 10 seconds.
In order to be able to use the Talk Back function, the child unit must be turned on. Turn Talk
Back function off or on as follows: Hold the MON button on the child unit for 2 seconds. tb
will briefly appear on the display and then new on or off settings.
Make sure that the desired volume is set on the child unit.
For optimal use of the Talk Back Function, you have three available possibilities. These are
set on the child unit by briefly pressing the button in the menu until rb appears in the
display. Then, with the / buttons, select the required setting:
1. rb tb: You will hear a beep if the child unit interrupts the transmission after 10 seconds,
even if the baby is still crying. You now have 10 seconds for talking to your child.
2. rb on: At the end of each transmission, you will hear a beep.
3. rb of: Beeps are deactivated.
If you wish to regularly use the speaking function, we recommend using the rb tb setting.

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