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General safety instructions
Safety instructions regarding installation
Scope of delivery
! Check the unit for visible damage before each use. If you detect any damage, do not use
the unit.
! Make sure that the operating voltage of the power outlet matches that of the mains
adapter. Check - especially when travelling abroad - that the local mains voltage matches
the voltage specified on the units and/or mains adapters.
! Except for the battery compartment cover, never open the units or mains adapters, as
there is a risk of electric shock. If a unit does not work correctly, please do NOT try to fix
the problem yourself. Please contact your dealer with any problems.
! Keep battery out of reach of children.
! Avoid contact between metallic objects and the battery contacts or power leads on the
! Do not allow children younger than 36 months to play with the device.
CAUTION! This baby monitor was designed exclusively for monitoring your baby. It may
neither be regarded as a substitute for parental supervision nor as a medical
For both devices, use only the batteries that are included with the purchase! Using unsuitable
battery types poses an explosion hazard!
Always place the baby unit out of your child´s reach (minimum distance: 1 metre).
Never place the baby monitor inside the crib, cot or playpen.
To prevent strangulation on the microphone fasten and secure the microphone cable in
such a way that the child cannot pull it and use it for playing. It is best to use the included
cable clips for this purpose.
The power lead must be secured out of the reach of children to avoid any risk of strangu-
lation. Do not use extension cables.
To ensure optimal transmission, the units must be kept upright at all times and placed in
an elevated position.
DO NOT place the receiver in the vicinity of radio transceivers or microwaves. Radiant
emissions from these devices can significantly affect radio reception.
Do not use the units near water or in humid places. Do not submerge the units in water.
Do not rinse the units under running water.
Do not cover the baby monitor with towels, clothes or blankets.
Avoid extreme heat and direct sunlight.
Keep removable belt buckle out of the reach of children under 36 months of age. This is a
small piece that can be swallowed and there is a risk of suffocation.
Do not allow children under 36 months of age to play with the device. The rubber
accessory cover is a small piece that can be swallowed and there is a risk of suffocation.
1 × child unit (transmitter) 1 × parental unit (receiver)
2 × battery 2 × charger
1 × cable microphone
5 × cable channels/binders
2 × power source 1 × manual

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