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T4.2 Treadmill
Customer Support 0800 440 2459 T4.2 Treadmill
Q How do I lubricate my treadmill deck?
A At the back of the running deck / machine (opposite end to the computer)
on each side there are two Allen head bolts. Turn these bolts anticlockwise
five full turns to release the belt tension. Lift the edge of the treadmill running
belt approximately 30 to 40cm from the front roller. Apply 10ml of silicone oil
under the running belt, from front to back and across the width of the running
deck. Tighten the bolts five turns, clockwise, to add tension to the belt.
Do not over lubricate the running belt, as this will cause the running belt
to slip. After application power your treadmill up to 6mph or 10 Km/h for
5 to 10 minutes. Wipe any excess oil away. If necessary, repeat for a
further 10 minutes.
Q How often should I lubricate my treadmill deck?
A The running belt has been adjusted properly by the factory. However
transportation, uneven flooring or other unpredicted reasons could cause the
belt to shift off centre resulting in the belt rubbing with the plastic side rail or
end caps and possibly causing damage. To adjust the belt back to its correct
position, use the tension bolts at the back of the deck in the following way:
1. If your belt tends to move to the right, rotate the right tension bolt clockwise.
We recommend adjustments of 1 circle at a time, and follow with a test. If your
belt continues to move to the right, simply adjust the left belt tension bolt by
turning it 1 circle counter-clockwise, follow with a test.
2. If your belt tends to move to the left, rotate the left tension bolt clockwise 1
circle at a time, and follow with a test. If the belt continues to move to the left,
simply adjust the right tension bolt counterclockwise.
3. If your belt appears to be loose, simply tighten both bolts evenly 1 circle.
4. If it appears tight, simply loosen both bolts evenly 1 circle.
Run your Treadmill for 5 – 10 minutes after adjusting the belt
Q What is the safety key for and where does it go?
A Switch the power on and insert the safety key. Press the INCLINE DOWN button
and STOP button together for 3 seconds. The computer will show MI or KM.
Use the SPEED UP / DOWN button to change between the two options. Press
ENTER to confirm your selection. There will be a long beep and “SAVE” will be
displayed before returning to the start up screen.
Q I have just ordered my treadmill and there are some parts missing can
you help?
A Yes, if you are missing parts from your new machine these can be ordered
on our helpline 0800 440 2459. When you call we will require your full
address, the part numbers (you require) from the user manual that and
your machine serial number.
Q How long is my warranty on my treadmill?
A All Reebok treadmills come with a manufacturers warranty this varies on
each machine, this should be printed in your manual, if you have any
questions regarding your warranty please don’t hesitate to contact our
helpline 0800 440 2459.
Q My treadmill is out of the warranty can you still help me?
A Yes we can still help, we have a large network of engineers that cover 98% of
the British Isles and can provide replacement parts. For a quote on parts or
engineer call out please contact our helpline on 0800 440 2459.
Q Can I keep my equipment in my garage?
A We advise to keep the equipment indoors, away from moisture and dust.
Do not store the product outside, or in damp or dusty environments.
Q Is there a maximum user weight for my treadmill?
A There is a maximum user weight with all our treadmills this varies on each
machine, this should be printed in your manual, if you have any questions
regarding the user weight, please don’t hesitate to contact our
helpline 0800 440 2459.
Q Why is there a black dust starting to appear under my treadmill?
A Occasionally a black dust can start to appear under your treadmill this
is due to normal wear and tear. You can remove the dust easily with a
vacuum cleaner. If you want to keep the dust away from the floor we would
recommend for you to place your treadmill on a protective mat.
RFE4489_RE013421_T4.2TREADMILL_UMFINAL.indd 34-35 28/06/2010 11:50

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