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SPEED + / -
• Increase / decrease speed during workout
• Adjust Time, Distance and Calories
• Increase / Decrease incline during workout
• Adjust Time, Distance and Calories
There are pulse sensors located on both handlebars, in order to monitor the users pulse rate these can be held
in order for the reading to be given. The pulse monitor is a guide for reference only and not for medical use or
Manual Mode includes normal mode, time, calories and distance countdown mode.
P0 Manual Mode
M1 - M3 Time, Distance and calories countdown mode
P1 - P24 Preset workout programs
Fat Body fat functions
Normal mode
1. From Standby press START to begin manual mode immediately
2. Treadmill speed and incline can be manually adjusted by using the SPEED +/- or INCLINE +/- buttons at any time
during a workout
3. Press STOP button to stop the workout. The treadmill will go into cool down mode
4. Take out the SAFETY KEY to stop the working of the motor, or press STOP two times.
TIME, Distance and Calories countdown mode
1. From standby press MODE to select TIME, DISTANCE and CALORIES. Once selected use i ncline +/- to alter the
required setting and press START to begin.
2. The TIME, DISTANCE or CALORIES will count down from the selection.
3. Once the countdown has completed the computer will beep to indicate the end of the program and speed window
will show “END” after 5 seconds the computer will beep and all the setting reset to zero.
P0 Manual Program
These are preset programs in which the machines speed or incline will be changed automatically during the workout.
Note: if speed/incline is altered by the user during these programs it will revert back to the preset speed/incline at the
next segment of the program.
1. From standby screen, Press PROGRAM button to select required program, or use SPEED +/- to chose program
during program
2. Press START to select and begin using the preset time.
3. The default workout time for these programs is 30 minutes. This can be altered by pressing INCLINE +/- buttons
before START
4. During these programs the speed and incline settings are split into 10 segments. The time of each segment
depends on the overall time selected. For example a 10 minute program = 10 segments of 1 minute. Therefore
the speed/incline would alter every 1 minute. Times will dier to allow for warm up and cool down.
5. The console will count down and beep for 3 seconds each time the speed/incline is changed.
Body Fat Function
1. Press PROGRAM button untill body fat function displayes in the TIME DISPLAY
2. Press Mode to commence the BODY FAT FUNCTION
3. The TIME window will display the preset program (F1-F5), DISTANCE window will display the input data.
4. Press +/- to change the input parameters.
5. Press MODE to confirm
F-1 Sex 01 male - 02 female
F-2 Age 10 - 99
F-3 Height 100 -200CM ( 40-80 INCH)
F-4 Weight 20 - 150KG (44-330LB)
6. F5 will be displayed. At this stage the user information has been stored . Place both hands on the pulse sensors for
approximately 5-10 seconds. The test results will then be displayed as below.
19 Under weight
(20---25) Normal weight
(26---29) Overweight
30 Obesity
The Speed and distance can be set to operate in MPH and KPH
To switch between these.
1. Im Standby mode, insert SAFETY KEY, Press SPEED + and INCLINE + for 5 seconds.
2. Speed will show “0.6” for MPH or “1.0” for KPH.
3. Repeat above process to change the speed again.
MPH to KPH conversion

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Andere handleiding(en) van Reebok JET 200 Treadmill

Reebok JET 200 Treadmill Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Português, Espanõl, Türkiye, Dansk, Svenska, Norsk, Suomi - 52 pagina's

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