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1. It is the responsibility of the owner to ensure
that all users of this treadmill are adequately
informed of all warnings and precautions.
2. Before beginning any exercise program,
consult your physician. This is especially
important for persons over age 35 or persons
with pre-existing health problems.
3. Use the treadmill only as described in this
4. The treadmill is intended for home use only.
Do not use the treadmill in any commercial,
rental, or institutional setting.
5. Keep the treadmill indoors, away from mois-
ture and dust. Do not put the treadmill in a
garage or covered patio, or near water.
6. Place the treadmill on a level surface, with
at least 8 ft. (2.4 m) of clearance behind it
and 2 ft. (0.6 m) on each side. Do not place
the treadmill on any surface that blocks air
openings. To protect the floor or carpet from
damage, place a mat under the treadmill.
7. Do not operate the treadmill where aerosol
products are used or where oxygen is being
8. Keep children under age 12 and pets away
from the treadmill at all times.
9. The treadmill should be used only by per-
sons weighing 300 lbs. (136 kg) or less.
10. Never allow more than one person on the
treadmill at a time.
11. Wear appropriate exercise clothes while
using the treadmill. Do not wear loose
clothes that could become caught in the
treadmill. Athletic support clothes are recom-
mended for both men and women. Always
wear athletic shoes. Never use the treadmill
with bare feet, wearing only stockings, or in
12. Plug the power cord into a surge suppressor
(not included), and plug the surge suppres-
sor into an appropriate outlet (see page 15).
To avoid overloading the circuit, do not plug
other electrical devices, except for low-power
devices such as cell phone chargers, into
the surge suppressor or into an outlet on the
same circuit.
13. Use only a surge suppressor that meets all
of the specifications described on page 15.
To purchase a surge suppressor, call the
telephone number on the front cover of this
14. Failure to use a properly functioning surge
suppressor could result in damage to the
control system of the treadmill. If the control
system is damaged, the walking belt may
slow, accelerate, or stop unexpectedly, which
may result in a fall and serious injury.
15. Keep the power cord and the surge suppres-
sor away from heated surfaces.
16. Never move the walking belt while the power
is turned off. Do not operate the treadmill
if the power cord or plug is damaged, or if
the treadmill is not working properly. (See
TROUBLESHOOTING on page 23 if the tread-
mill is not working properly.)
17. Read, understand, and test the emergency
stop procedure before using the treadmill
page 17).
18. Never start the treadmill while you are stand-
ing on the walking belt. Always hold the
handrails while using the treadmill.
19. The treadmill is capable of high speeds.
Adjust the speed in small increments to
avoid sudden jumps in speed.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of burns, fire, electric shock, or injury to persons, read
all important precautions and instructions in this manual and all warnings on your treadmill before
using your treadmill. ICON assumes no responsibility for personal injury or property damage sus-
tained by or through the use of this product.

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