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Document number: 81272_1 Date: November 2005
User Guide
The adapter cable should be used to connect the display and the power supply to
the camera. The adapter cable connections are shown below
If you do not have a breaker in the power circuit, an in-line 0.5 A quick blow fuse
should be fitted to the positive (red) lead of the cable.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Your Raymarine CAM 100 does not contain user-serviceable parts.
They should be serviced only by authorized Raymarine service
technicians at a Raymarine factory facility.
Routine Maintenance
Routine maintenance should be carried out on a regular basis:
Examine all cables for signs of damage such as chafing, cuts or nicks.
Check that all cables are securely connected.
Spray the camera and lens with fresh water and wipe with a soft lint-free
cloth to remove debris or salt deposits.
EMC conformance
All Raymarine equipment and accessories are designed to the best industry
standards for use in the recreational marine environment. The design and
manufacture of Raymarine equipment and accessories conforms to the
appropriate Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standards, but correct
installation is required to ensure that performance is not compromis
Problem Solution
Camera does not function 1. Make sure that the cable is sound and
that all connections are tight and free
from corrosion.
2. Check system fuses.
3. Check that the display is set up
correctly to receive the images.
Refer to the relevant display
handbook for full details.
Red +12 V
Black - 0 V
Video connecto
CAM 100
Technical specification
Format PAL 752 x 582 pixels
NTSC 768 x 494 pixels
Imager 1/3 Sony Super HAD CCD (Super Hi resolution)
Horizontal resolution 550 TVL
Scanning system PAL 625 lines
NTSC 525 lines 2:1 interlaced
Video output Composite 75 Ohms
Infra red 14 IR LEDs
LED spectrum 30 degrees for 15m
Minimum illumination 0.1 Lux at F2 - no IR, 0 Lux - with IR
Waterproof IPX6 and CFR46
Power connection 12 V tinned leads
Video connections Male BNC
Operating temperatures
C to +55
C (-14
F to 130
Power consumption 130 mA - day, 280 mA - night, IR on @12 V DC
Technical Support

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Andere handleiding(en) van Raymarine Cam100

Raymarine Cam100 Installatiehandleiding - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

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