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Note: if only the ‘frost outside’ indicator light [*]
is ashing, it means that the room temperature is
outside [i.e. higher or lower than] the calibrated zone
[18°C<calibrated zone <22°C]. Press the
button to
recalibrate the thermostat.
The following 2 functions may be useful in the case
of appliances installed in premises accessible to the
Limiting thermostat
If you want to restrict the ambient temperature to a
predened level:
Press the
button for at least 5 seconds.
The indicator light corresponding to the maximum
value allowed starts ashing. This value can be
increased by pressing the [+] or [-] button.
To validate the new value, briey press the
Deactiving the timer
If you want to lock the forced operation by 2hr timer:
Press the
button and [-] simultaneously for at
least 5 seconds.
- The 2 hr indicator light starts ashing for 5
seconds to indicate it has taken the command
into account.
To validate the new value, briey press the
Even if there is a power cut, the appliance keeps the
setting from before the cut in its memory, excepting
the function “Confort Pilot”.
Simultaneously press the [+] and [-] buttons for 10
seconds to return to the initial conguration:
- Adjustment mode setting Frost free or pilot
- No correction of measured temperature.
- Setting restriction, positioned on max tempera-
ture [26°C].
- Timer function unlocked.
- Removal of timer daily repetition.
Mixed appliances
The mixed appliances are provided to operate with
2 different types of power: central heating/electric
heating. These 2 power types must never operate
When operating on central heating, the electric
part must be closed.
If you want to operate the electric part, it is
advisable to close the tap mounted on the hot
water supply, but in this case, never totally isolate
the radiator [never shut the return of the cen-
tral heating circuit, in order to leave free passage
for dilation towards the expansion tank of the
Never operate the electric part without having
checked that the radiator is full of water by purg-
ing the air out and adding water if necessary.
The purge must be carried out, either with pump
stopped, or supply tap closed.
Switching on without the appliance being properly
lled with water will result in the cancellation of the
Electric radiators
During use, you will be able to note that the top and
bottom elements are warmer than the rest of the
The top elements are not completely lled to allow
dilation of the heat transfer uid when heating.
The bottom elements receive the return uid which
has transmitted its heat.
The electronic thermostat allows the orders sent by
EDF [cf. Tariff Tempo] to be managed. It also allows
them to be viewed:
Orders generated by your programmer
1. Comfort: normal mode, the temperature set
point indicator light is on.
2. Reduced: temperature set point ashes.
3. Frost free: the 1st indicator light is on solidly.
4. Off: the heat indicator light [C] is on solid.
Orders generated by EDF
5. Comfort -1°C: the set point indicator light
ashes with single impulse.
6. Comfort -2°C: the set point indicator light
ashes with double impulse.
Do not use chemically aggressive or abrasive
products. A cloth moistened with alcohol will be
suitable after having let the appliance cool down.
Preferably use a dry soft cloth for cleaning the casing.

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Zoeken resetten

  • Hallo,

    Ik slaag er niet in om mijn chauffage te programmeren zodat deze 's morgens om 6 uur automatisch opspringt. Ik volg de instructies van het boekje, maar het gaat niet.

    Het is zo dat als ik op de in/uit knop duw, eerst het groen lichtje begint te branden, en als ik dan nog eens duw, dan het rode lichtje. Vervolgens druk ik op het + teken en blijft het rode lichtje branden. Maar s'anderendaags springt de chauffage niet automatisch op.

    Kan iemand mij helpen? Gesteld op 12-10-2020 om 20:50

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
    • je moet 5 sec op + teken drukken. de dag erna zal de verwarming 45min vroeger starten dan het uur waarop je instelde. De bijhorende handleiding is niet duidelijk. Geantwoord op 13-10-2020 om 08:49

      Waardeer dit antwoord Misbruik melden

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