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Never operate the indoor units without an air filter!
Make sure that the outdoor unit is equipped with a
safety mechanism which prevents condensation dam-
age caused by the unit switching back on right away
after it has been switched off.
The unit may only be switched back on after 3 min-
Cleaning and minor maintenance work made only be
performed by the operator or an authorised person
designated by the operator in accordance with the
instructions contained in the "Maintenance and Ser-
vice" section.
These REMKO air conditioners are supplied with the
environmentally-friendly refrigerant R 407 C.
Installation and repair work may only be performed
by authorised personnel.
Description of Device
The REMKO ML 260 to 680 air-conditioners have a
REMKO ML ...-AT outdoor unit designed for wall or floor
installation outside and an ML ...-IT indoor unit de-
signed for upper wall installation inside.
The way the air conditioning system works is quite sim-
ple; the indoor unit removes warm air from the room to
be cooled. The environmentally-friendly refrigerant
R 407C transports this warm air just as it does for many
other REMKO air-conditioning products. The outdoor
unit releases the absorbed heat to the outside.
The units also filter and dehumidify the air, thus creat-
ing a comfortable climate in the room. The units operate
fully-automatically and offer a range of other options
thanks to their microprocessor control. They are easily
operated using the supplied infrared remote control.
Safety Instructions
Extensive tests have been conducted on the material,
functionality and quality of the units before they were
These units may only be used in accordance with their
intended purpose. Hazards may arise if the units are
used improperly.
Please make sure to follow these safety instructions:
Make sure that personnel trained in the operation of
the air conditioner check the unit for visible defects
on the operating and safety mechanisms .
Before performing any work on the unit, the power
cord must be unplugged and the unit secured
against being switched on by unauthorised persons.
Operate the unit only when assembled and for its in-
tended purpose.
Keep in mind that it is hazardous to remove covers,
protective grilles, etc., during operation; this can lead
to uncontrolled operating situations.
Operate the unit exclusively within the permissible op-
erating ranges.
Observe surrounding temperatures.
Make sure that the unit is kept at a safe distance
from flammable objects.
Always maintain the required minimal distances!
Ensure that no foreign objects block the air inlet and
outlet openings.
Do not place any objects on top of the unit.
Do not insert any objects into the air inlet and outlet
The outdoor unit may only be connected to a cor-
rectly installed and grounded power supply.
Never operate the units in rooms susceptible to ex-
plosions. The units are also not suitable for opera-
tion in rooms containing large amounts of dust or ag-
gressive air.
Do not use flammable sprays such as hair spray or
spray paint in the direct vicinity of the units.
Do not operate the units if the atmosphere is con-
taminated by oil, sulphur or salt.
Do not expose the unit to direct streams of water.
High-pressure cleaners, etc.
The device is only guaranteed to operate optimally
within the permissible operating ranges.
Never open the units‘ housing.
Doing so may cause an electric shock.
Protect the connection pipes and lines from being
damaged, for example, by animals.
Regularly check that condensation is not blocked from
flowing out of the unit.
Transport and Packaging
The units are shipped in a stable transport box made of
cardboard. Please examine the unit when it is deliv-
Make note of any damage or missing parts on the ship-
ping bill and notify the shipping company and your con-
tract partner.
We do not assume any liability for subsequent com-

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Andere handleiding(en) van REMKO ML350

REMKO ML350 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 24 pagina's

REMKO ML350 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 28 pagina's

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