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Always switch off your system before disconnecting any wires.
To increase the versatility of the choice of connecting up, Storm has three
entirely separate sets of input sockets, two Neutrik and one pair of phonos.
The first Neutrik is a dual channel (stereo) unbalanced input at high level
designed to accept the much higher level signals from the speaker
terminals of the power amplifier. This does have the advantage of ensuring
that your STORM receives exactly the same signal as the main speakers.
This means that the character of the bass from the main system is carried
forward into the sub-bass. This is a very important point and together with
the STORM's Active Bass Controller (ABC), ensures far superior system
integration of the sub-bass with the main system. So far as we are aware,
REL are the only sub-bass manufacturer to take this aspect of performance
sufficiently seriously to offer the listener this level of sophisticated control.
The second Neutrik is a single channel high level balanced input designed
to take the high level output again from the speaker terminals of bridged
monoblocks. (Two Storm subwoofers required, one for each channel).
The low level unbalanced phono inputs would normally be used to source
the signal from the "Sub-woofer Output” sockets, where available, from the
preamp or Dolby surround sound processor.
Screw the spikes into the feet of the sub-woofer, level them up or if
necessary compensate for an uneven floor. It is important that all 4 spikes
are located securely and that there is no tendency for STORM to rock. If it
does rock, simply adjust one (or more) of the spikes until it fits securely.
To Connect to the Power Amplifier:
See Fig. 1
1. Use your existing plugs or connect the STORM Neutrik interconnect to a
spare set of speaker terminals. In effect the STORM is bi-wired from
your power amplifier. However, note that there are only three
connections to STORM. This is deliberate and helps preserve the
existing star earthing of your system (assuming it has a star earth
arrangement). Connect the Red coloured wire from the Storm Neutrik
interconnect to the RED speaker terminal of the right channel of your
power amp. Then connect the yellow coloured wire to the RED coloured
terminal of the left channel on your power amp. The BLACK wire is
connected to either one of the Black terminals of your power amp. Do
not connect this black wire to both black terminals - this is important as
some amplifiers do not like having their black terminals joined. Connect
the Neutrik plug to the high level input on STORM.
Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine

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