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For the different bands X, K and Ka, you can set
different tones and set the band ON or OFF.
Press during 2 seconds the ‘CITY’ key to start setting.
The display shows the current settings. Use the
MUTE key to set the X band ON or OFF, the
-key for the K band and the
-key to set the Ka
band ON or OFF.
Press the CITY key again to set the tone.
Use the MUTE key to select strength I, the
for strength II and the
-key for strength III.
Press the PWR key to finish setting.
Important: if you wait during programming
longer than 20 seconds to press a key,
programming will be automatically ended.
Tone II
Tone III
To test the indication of each signal, you can put the unit
in Test-stand by pressing the CITY and MUTE key
simultaneously. If you press the ON/OFF key (PWR),
you go back to Standby-mode.
This action makes it possible to undo all settings
and to go back to the default settings.
Keep the ON/OFF (PWR) and the MUTE key pressed
Turn the unit on by connecting the cigar lighter plug.
Wait a moment till you hear 2 small beeps.
Release the ON/OFF (PWR) and the MUTE key.
To keep your detector in good condition, follow these
simple steps :
Never leave the set on the visor, windshield or
dashboard when you park your vehicle.
Do not expose the unit to moisture.
Always unplug the power cable or turn off the power
when not in use.
If your unit does not work anymore (no test by switching
on), we advise you to complete following checks:
Is the power cord properly plugged in at both ends?
Is the fuse OK?
Is the cigar lighter socket clean and free from corrosion?
Is the ON/OFF key (PWR) used to switch the unit ON?
95:41 ,5002.21.22dmp.n_BG_0007zzetniuQ_m 6

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Andere handleiding(en) van Quintezz XT-7000

Quintezz XT-7000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 11 pagina's

Quintezz XT-7000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 11 pagina's

Quintezz XT-7000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 11 pagina's

Quintezz XT-7000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 10 pagina's

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