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These instructions are for your safety. Please read through them thoroughly prior to installation and
retain them for future reference.
This product is Class I and must be earthed.
It is recommended that this fitting is installed by a qualified electrician.
This fitting should be fitted in accordance with IEE Regulations and the Building Regulations.
For you safety, switch off at the mains supply before installing or maintaining this fitting. Ensure
other persons cannot restore the electricity supply without you acknowledgement.
If you are in any doubt, please consult a qualified electrician.
If replacing an existing fitting, make a note of the connections.
Always use the correct type and wattage bulb. Never exceed the wattage stated.
When changing a bulb, always switch off at the mains and allow the old bulb to cool down before
handling. Dispose of used bulbs carefully.
The bulb and surrounding parts can become extremely hot during use.
Cable Type - The correct cable must be used for wiring this fitting. We suggest that you use
H05RN-F specification cable (not supplied) which is an outdoor grade, rubber sheathed cable.
Running it inside a plastic conduit (not supplied) should further protect it. Alternatively, if the cable is
to be in an area where it could become damaged, you should use special armoured cable. This type
of cable has a sheath that is strengthened to protect against damage from objects such as garden
tools, lawnmowers etc. The cable must have a minimum cross sectional area of 1.0mm² and
wherever possible, cables should be run horizontally. Bury the cable minimum of 50cm.
A light fitting should be connected to a lighting circuit protected by a 5-amp fuse, (or 6-amp residual
current device). If a light fitting is to be connected to a ring main, a fused connection unit fitted with a
3-amp fuse should be installed. This product is only suitable for connection to AC 220-240V / 50Hz
We always recommend the use of an approved RCD unit.
Replace any cracked/damaged diffuser immediately-do not use if they are damaged.
The fitting is suitable to be installed in normally non-accessible areas. The product cannot be
mounted in areas where motor vehicles may circulate, carriageways, parking areas.
The product has a rated maximum surface temperature of 160 ºC.
Dangerous voltage! To indicate hazards arising from dangerous voltages.
We recommend only using the lamp that is with ultraviolet ray filter.
Product type: 44964
Rated voltage: AC 220-240V, 50Hz
Source of light: 70W, G12 (included)
Degree of protection: IP67 IP65
Protection class: I

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