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For your safety please read the following information
Warning : This appliance must be earthed.
The appliance must be connected to a 240 volts 50 cycle AC supply by means of a three pin
socket, suitably earthed and should be protected by a 13 amp fuse in the plug or a 13 amp fuse in
the consumer unit.
The appliance is supplied with a re-wireable 13 amp 3 pin mains plug fitted with a 13 amp fuse.
Should the fuse require replacement, it must be replaced with a fuse rated at 13 amp and
approved to BS1362
The plug contains a removable fuse cover that must be refitted when the fuse is replaced. In the
event of the fuse cover being lost or damaged, the plug must not be used until a replacement
cover has been obtained.
If the moulded mains plug is unsuitable for the socket outlet in your home or is removed for any
other reason, then the fuse should be removed and the cut off plug disposed of safely to prevent
the hazard of electric shock.
There is a danger of electric shock if the cut off plug is inserted into any 13 amp socket outlet.
How to wire a 13 amp plug
The wires in the mains lead on this appliance are coloured in accordance with the following code :
Green and Yellow Earth
Blue Neutral
Brown Live
As the colours may not correspond with the markings identifying the terminals in your plug
proceed as follows.
The green and yellow wire must be connected to the terminal in the plug which is marked with the
letter E or with the earth symbol or coloured green and yellow.
The blue wire must be connected to the terminal marked N or coloured black.
The brown wire must be connected to the terminal marked L or coloured red.
Downloaded from www.vandenborre.be

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