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Mains supply
This equipment is designed to operate from a 230 Volt, 50Hz AC mains supply. Other power
sources may damage it. Check that the rating label of the apparatus states 230V AC before you
plug it in for the first time.
Mains plug
We have fitted this equipment with a standard mains plug.
y If the mains lead becomes damaged it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service
agent or similarly qualified person with a lead of the same type and rating to avoid a hazard.
y If you cut off the mains plug, for example to fit a different type, please destroy the old plug as
it would be dangerous if inserted into a live power outlet. Carefully follow the wiring
instructions supplied with the new plug.
y If a fuse is fitted to the plug, remove the fuse before throwing the plug away.
y Never use a fused mains plug without the fuse cover.
This equipment is double
insulated and an earth
connection is not required.
This mark is applied to show
the equipment conforms to
European safety and
electro-magnetic compatibility
Dangerous voltage constituting a risk
of electric shock is present inside this
There are important operating and
maintenance instructions in the
literature accompanying this
Safe use and care of your equipment
We have designed and made this product to meet European safety standards, but as with any
electrical equipment you must take care to get the longest working life from it and stay safe. Here
are a few tips to help you do this.
Read these instructions carefully before you try to use the equipment.
Protect the mains lead. You must ensure the mains lead cannot be walked on, crushed, chafed or
Avoid harsh conditions such as wet or damp places, high humidity, strong vibration, extremely
high or low temperatures, strong sunlight and places that are very dusty.
Never let anyone push objects into holes and ventilation slots.
To save power: switch off mains power or pull out the mains power plug when you are not using
the equipment.
Don’t continue to use this equipment if you have split liquids in it, if it is damaged in any way or if it
does not work as expected. Immediately unplug the equipment and get expert advice.
Protect the screen from fingerprints and dirt.
This product is designed for domestic use only. Any other use may invalidate the guarantee
and might be dangerous.
Place the equipment on a hard flat surface away from direct sunlight and heat sources. If it is in a
cabinet, allow at least a 10cm gap all around. Don’t obstruct the ventilation slots, including those
underneath, with soft furnishings. Overheating will shorten the life of the equipment and increase
Downloaded from www.vandenborre.be

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