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keep all the frozen foods together they will
help to keep each other cold.
Store food straight away
Don’t buy frozen food unless you can
freeze it straight away. Special insulated
bags can be bought from most supermar-
kets and hardware shops. These keep fro-
zen food cold for longer.
Freezing fresh food
See the technical data sheet at the rear of
this booklet for the maximum permissible
amount in kilograms of fresh food that can
be frozen in any 24-hour period with a room
temperature of 25 °C. Never freeze more
than the maximum permissible. Set the tem-
perature control to maximum 24 hours be-
fore introducing the fresh food. The com-
pressor will work continuously whilst on the
maximum setting. Return the thermostat
knob to the mid position after a further 24
hours. It is not necessary to use this setting
when introducing ready frozen food.
Making ice cubes
Pour water into the ice cube tray(Not sup-
plied) until it is two thirds full and place into
the freezer. Ice cubes form in approximately
2 to 3 hours. The ice cubes can be easily re-
moved by twisting the ice cube tray or run-
ning it under cold water for a short time.
To thaw frozen foods
1. Cover food loosely.
2. Thaw at room temperature. Don’t forget
that thawing in a warm area encourages
the growth of bacteria.
3. Always make sure there are no ice crys-
tals in the food before cooking, particu-
larly with meat. These crystals indicate
that the food is not fully thawed. They re-
sult in lower temperatures when cook-
ing. Lower cooking temperatures may
not destroy bacteria.
4. Cook food as soon as possible after
5. Drain off and throw away any liquid lost
during thawing.
Thawing frozen vegetables
For some foods, thawing before cooking is
unnecessary. Vegetables and pasta can be
added directly to boiling water or steam
cooked. Frozen sauces and soups can be
put into a saucepan and heated gently until
Oven thawing frozen foods
Many microwaves and ovens have thaw set-
tings. To avoid bacterial build up, only use
these if you intend to cook the food immedi-
ately afterwards.
Safety tips
Never re-freeze anything that has thawed
out unless you cook it again, to kill off harm-
ful bacteria. Never re-freeze thawed shellfish.
Freezing fresh food (tips)
Use quality food and handle it as little as pos-
sible. Freeze food in small quantities, it
freezes faster, takes less time to thaw and
enables you to eat it in the quantity you
need. First, estimate the amount of food
you will be freezing. Use the Thermostat
knob to make your freezer colder (about
-25° C), it will therefore freeze quicker and
keep in the goodness. However you should
use it sparingly to conserve energy.
Prolonged off periods
If the refrigerator is not in use for a long pe-
riod of time, proceed as follows: Disconnect
the refrigerator from the main supply by re-
moving the plug from the socket. Clean and
dry the inside as instructed under the head-
ing of cleaning and maintenance. Leave the
door open to prevent any unpleasant smells
from building up while the appliance is not
in use.
Important! If the cabinet will be kept on,
ask somebody to check it once in a while to
prevent the food inside from spoiling in
case of a power failure.
If there is a power failure for a short time
keep the door closed check the contents of
the refrigerator every so often.
Power failure
If there is a power failure for a short time
less than 12 hours keep the door closed.
Frozen food should not be affected if the fail-
ure lasts for less than 12 hours.
Extra protection can be given by covering
the appliance with two or three thick blan-
If a long power failure is anticipated, try to
get the foodstuff into another appliance or
cold store, if possible.
If the power cut is longer than 12 hrs then
check the content of the freezer.

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